化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (10): 5102-5113.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210383
Peng TIAN1(),Dewu WANG1,2(
),Ruojin WANG1,Meng TANG3,Xiaolei HAO1,Shaofeng ZHANG1,2
采用二维床及D类玻璃珠颗粒,在表观气速Ug=0.267~0.978 m/s、摇摆幅值Θ=5°~15°、摇摆周期T=8~20 s的实验条件下,对摇摆流化床内气固流动过程及气体通过流化床的时均总压降进行了研究,并通过与常规直立床和倾斜床进行对比,分析了床体摇摆对气固流动的影响。结果表明,在平均角速度ωave>2(°)/s的条件下,当初始装料量和表观气速相同时,气体通过摇摆流化床的时均总压降低于直立床,高于相同最大倾角时的倾斜床;惯性力所产生的压降在0.15 kPa以下,其对床层压降的影响较小,床体倾斜导致气体向边壁区域聚集是影响摇摆流化床内气固流动特性的主要因素,由此导致床内存在固定床和下行移动床状态的非流化区域,使得处于流化区域的颗粒量减少,同时还降低了流化床层在竖直方向的静压。非流化区域的存在还会造成流化区域的气速高于直立床表观气速,两者表观气速之比为1.04~1.49。
田朋,王德武,王若瑾,唐猛,郝晓磊,张少峰. 摇摆流化床的气固流动特性[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(10): 5102-5113.
Peng TIAN,Dewu WANG,Ruojin WANG,Meng TANG,Xiaolei HAO,Shaofeng ZHANG. Gas-solid flow characteristics in the rolling fluidized-bed[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(10): 5102-5113.
图1 气固摇摆流化床实验装置及流程示意图1—罗茨鼓风机;2—气体缓冲罐;3—截止阀;4—转子流量计;5—摇摆平台;6—气室;7—床层段;8—扩大段;9—摄录机;10—压力信号采集系统;11—计算机
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus and flow process of gas-solid rolling fluidized-bed
图5 床体倾斜时流化区域和非流化区域的瞬时压力波动时间序列对比(Ug=0.444 m/s,Θ=15°)
Fig.5 Comparison of time series pressure fluctuations between fluidization regions and defluidization regions in the inclined fluidized bed (Ug=0.444 m/s,Θ=15°)
图6 倾斜床内部固定床与下行移动床区域范围随操作条件的变化
Fig.6 Variation of the areas of both the fixed bed and the downward moving bed under different operating conditionsin the inclined bed
图8 气体通过流化床时均总压降随表观气速的变化
Fig.8 Variation of the time-averaged total pressure drop with gas superficial velocity when the gas passing through the fluidized bed
图9 气体通过流化床时均总压降随摇摆幅值和摇摆周期的变化
Fig.9 Variation of the time-averaged total pressure drop with both the rolling amplitude and period when the gas passing through the fluidized bed
图10 摇摆床时均总压降较倾斜床的相对增加幅度随平均摇摆角速度的变化(Ug>0.500 m/s)
Fig.10 Variation of the relative increase amplitude of the time-averaged total pressure drop in the rolling bed compared to that in the inclined bed with the average rolling angular velocity (Ug>0.500 m/s)
图11 摇摆床与倾斜/直立床时均总压降差值中的床层静压差值和惯性力压降
Fig.11 Bed static pressure difference and inertial pressure drop in the difference of time-averaged total pressure drop between rolling bed and inclined/vertical bed
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