化工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 74 ›› Issue (3): 1062-1072.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20221426
Bingguo ZHU1(), Jixiang HE1, Jinliang XU2, Bin PENG1
Bingguo ZHU
采用SST k-ω湍流模型,数值计算了冷却条件下超临界压力二氧化碳(SCO2)在三种水平管(等截面管、渐扩管和渐缩管)内的传热特性,研究了不同运行参数(压力、质量流量及热通量)对传热性能的影响。结果表明,与等截面管相比,渐扩管有效地强化了传热,采用渐扩管时,SCO2的总传热系数最大提高了47.98%。然而,相比等截面管,渐缩管却削弱了传热。最后,从类冷凝和湍流场分布的角度阐明了传热强化的物理机理。为SCO2冷却器的优化设计提供了新的思路和理论指导。
朱兵国, 何吉祥, 徐进良, 彭斌. 冷却条件下渐扩/渐缩管内超临界压力二氧化碳的传热特性[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(3): 1062-1072.
Bingguo ZHU, Jixiang HE, Jinliang XU, Bin PENG. Heat transfer characteristics of supercritical pressure CO2 in diverging/converging tube under cooling conditions[J]. CIESC Journal, 2023, 74(3): 1062-1072.
图12 三种管内SCO2在特征截面处湍流动能的径向分布
Fig.12 The radial distribution of turbulent kinetic energy of SCO2 in three types of tubes at different characteristic cross section
图13 渐扩管顶母线和底母线传热系数随主流温度的变化
Fig.13 The variation of heat transfer coefficient of top busbar and bottom busbar of the diverging tube with bulk fluid temperature
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