• •
江锦波1(), 陈竹鑫1, 肖洋溢1, 彭新1, 陈源2, 于辰1, 孟祥铠1, 彭旭东1
Jinbo JIANG1(), Zhuxin CHEN1, Yangyi XIAO1, Xin PENG1, Yuan CHEN2, Chen YU1, Xiangkai MENG1, Xudong PENG1
江锦波, 陈竹鑫, 肖洋溢, 彭新, 陈源, 于辰, 孟祥铠, 彭旭东. 运行工况对超临界CO2干气密封端面热力过程及稳态性能影响研究[J]. 化工学报, DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20241240.
Jinbo JIANG, Zhuxin CHEN, Yangyi XIAO, Xin PENG, Yuan CHEN, Chen YU, Xiangkai MENG, Xudong PENG. Study on the influence of operating conditions on the thermal process and steady state performance of supercritical CO2 dry gas seal[J]. CIESC Journal, DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20241240.
图4 动环和静环计算域及其传热边界条件示意图
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of the calculation domains of the rotating ring and the stationary ring and their heat transfer boundary conditions.
名称与单位 | 数值 | 名称与单位 | 数值 |
密封端面内径ri/mm | 58.42 | 密封端面外径ro/mm | 77.78 |
槽数Ng | 12 | 周向槽宽比δ | 0.5 |
径向槽长比α | 0.6 | 槽深hg/μm | 5 |
进口螺旋角β1/° | 50 | 中间螺旋角β2/° | 30 |
出口螺旋角β3/° | 30 | 转速n/ rpm | 10000 |
进气温度Tin/K | 305.0 | 进气压力pin/MPa | 10 |
弹簧比压psp/MPa | 0.05 | 平衡比B | 0.80 |
表1 sCO2干气密封运行工况及结构参数缺省值
Table 1 Default values of working conditions and structural parameters of sCO2 dry gas seal
名称与单位 | 数值 | 名称与单位 | 数值 |
密封端面内径ri/mm | 58.42 | 密封端面外径ro/mm | 77.78 |
槽数Ng | 12 | 周向槽宽比δ | 0.5 |
径向槽长比α | 0.6 | 槽深hg/μm | 5 |
进口螺旋角β1/° | 50 | 中间螺旋角β2/° | 30 |
出口螺旋角β3/° | 30 | 转速n/ rpm | 10000 |
进气温度Tin/K | 305.0 | 进气压力pin/MPa | 10 |
弹簧比压psp/MPa | 0.05 | 平衡比B | 0.80 |
图7 干气密封温度、压力、质量分数的程序计算结果与文献值对比
Fig.7 The comparison of film pressure, temperature and mass fraction distribution of dry gas seal between calculated values and literature values
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