CIESC Journal ›› 2023, Vol. 74 ›› Issue (1): 116-132.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20221053
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Yang HU, Yan SUN. Self-propulsion of enzyme and enzyme-induced micro-/nanomotor[J]. CIESC Journal, 2023, 74(1): 116-132.
胡阳, 孙彦. 酶分子的自驱动及其介导的微纳马达[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(1): 116-132.
Fig.1 The movement at a low Reynolds number(a) the motion mechanism of a theoretical 3-link swimmer[15]; (b) the movement of EMM and enzyme-propelled micro/nanodevice
Fig.2 Enzyme molecular motor and its chemotaxis(a) schematic and experiment result illustrating the substrate-dependent diffusion enhancement of urease[5]; (b) schematic and experiment result illustrating the enhanced diffusion of DNA polymerase[23]; (c) schematic illustration of the microfluidics for the observation of EMM chemotaxis[24]; (d) the chemotaxis behavior of the enzyme catalyzing a cascade reaction[31]
Fig.3 Artificial enzyme-powered micro-/nanomotor(a) schematic illustrating the micromotor propelled by catalase[10]; (b) illustration of the propulsion and movement control of urease-based micromotor[50]; (c) lipase-powered micromotor[52]; (d) design and catalytic network of micromotor powered by enzymatic cascade reactions[58]
Fig.5 Motion control of EMNM(a) diffusion coefficient of nanomotor powered by catalase at different substrate concentrations[64]; (b) speed of nanomotor propelled by different enzymes[72]; (c) schematic illustrating the movement of micromotors with different sizes[77]; (d) illustration showing the movement control of enzyme-powered nanomotor through photothermal effect[80]
Fig.6 Application of EMNM(a) schematic illustrating the urease-powered nanomotor for drug delivery[85]; (b) urease-powered nanomotor used to detect local pH[91]
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