CIESC Journal ›› 2017, Vol. 68 ›› Issue (5): 1773-1779.DOI: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20161516
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DONG Ze1, CHEN Liping1, CHEN Wanghua1, MA Yingying2
董泽1, 陈利平1, 陈网桦1, 马莹莹2
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[29] | RODUIT B, HARTMANN M, FOLLY P, et al. Thermal decomposition of AIBN, Part B: Simulation of SADT value based on DSC results and large scale tests according to conventional and new kinetic merging approach[J]. Thermochimica Acta, 2015, 355: 6-24. |
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[14] | TALOUBA I B, BALLAND L, MOUHAB N, et al. Kinetic parameter estimation for decomposition of organic peroxides by means of DSC measurements[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2011, 24(4):391-396. |
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[16] | ASKONAS C F, BURELBACH J P, LEUNG J C. The versatile VSP2:a tool for adiabatic thermal analysis and vent sizing applications[C]//28th Annual North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Conference, Orlando, Florida, October. 2000:4-6. |
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[22] | FRIEDMAN H L. Kinetics of thermal degradation of char-forming plastics from thermogravimetry. Application to a phenolic plastic[J]. Journal of Polymer Science Part C Polymer Symposia, 2007, 6(1):183-195. |
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[26] | VYAZOVKIN S, SBIRRAZZUOLI N. Isoconversional Kinetic Analysis of Thermally Stimulated Processes in Polymers[J]. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2006, 27(18):1515-1532. |
[27] | KOSSOY A, KOLUDAROVA E. Specific features of kinetics evaluation in calorimetric studies of runaway reactions[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 1995, 8(4):229-235. |
[28] | RODUIT B, HARTMANN M, FOLLY P, et al. Prediction of thermal stability of materials by modified kinetic and model selection approaches based on limited amount of experimental points[J]. ThermochimicaActa, 2014, 579(5):31-39. |
[29] | RODUIT B, HARTMANN M, FOLLY P, et al. Thermal decomposition of AIBN, Part B:Simulation of SADT value based on DSC results and large scale tests according to conventional and new kinetic merging approach[J]. ThermochimicaActa, 2015, 355:6-24. |
[30] | MOUKHINA E. Thermal decomposition of AIBN, Part C:SADT calculation of AIBN based on DSC experiments[J]. ThermochimicaActa, 2015, 621:25-35. |
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