CIESC Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (9): 3133-3151.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240358
• Catalysis, kinetics and reactors • Previous Articles Next Articles
Shuyue LI1(), Huan WANG1,2, Shaoqiang ZHOU2, Zhihong MAO1, Yongmin ZHANG1(
), Junwu WANG1, Xiuhua WU2
Yongmin ZHANG
李舒月1(), 王欢1,2, 周少强2, 毛志宏1, 张永民1(
), 王军武1, 吴秀花2
CLC Number:
Shuyue LI, Huan WANG, Shaoqiang ZHOU, Zhihong MAO, Yongmin ZHANG, Junwu WANG, Xiuhua WU. Numerical simulation of hydrogen reduction of U3O8 in fluidized bed reactors using CPFD method[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(9): 3133-3151.
李舒月, 王欢, 周少强, 毛志宏, 张永民, 王军武, 吴秀花. 基于CPFD方法的U3O8氢还原流化床反应器数值模拟[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(9): 3133-3151.
操作参数 | 数值 |
U3O8进料 | |
进料量 | |
进料温度 | 866 K |
密度 | 6690 kg/m3 |
气体进料 | |
进气量(H2过量80%) | 氢气量:3025.21 mol/h 氮气量:1008 mol/h 折算气速:0.064 m/s |
固体产物出口 | |
温度 | 866 K |
压力 | 400 kPa |
出料量 | 707.56 kg/h |
UO2密度 | 6870 kg/m3 |
壁面条件 | 绝热壁面 |
Table 1 Main operating parameters of U3O8 reduction fluidized bed reactor
操作参数 | 数值 |
U3O8进料 | |
进料量 | |
进料温度 | 866 K |
密度 | 6690 kg/m3 |
气体进料 | |
进气量(H2过量80%) | 氢气量:3025.21 mol/h 氮气量:1008 mol/h 折算气速:0.064 m/s |
固体产物出口 | |
温度 | 866 K |
压力 | 400 kPa |
出料量 | 707.56 kg/h |
UO2密度 | 6870 kg/m3 |
壁面条件 | 绝热壁面 |
参数 | 数值 |
颗粒堆积体积分数 | 0.56 |
最大碰撞动量再定向系数/% | 40 |
切向颗粒-壁面碰撞恢复系数 | 0.99 |
法向颗粒-壁面碰撞恢复系数 | 0.3 |
回弹系数 | 0 |
颗粒应力模型的压力常数ps/Pa | 10 |
颗粒应力模型的无量纲常数β | 3 |
计算颗粒代表的实际颗粒数 | 125 |
颗粒应力模型的无量纲常数 α | 10-7 |
湍流模型 | LES |
Table 2 Simulation parameters and initial boundary conditions
参数 | 数值 |
颗粒堆积体积分数 | 0.56 |
最大碰撞动量再定向系数/% | 40 |
切向颗粒-壁面碰撞恢复系数 | 0.99 |
法向颗粒-壁面碰撞恢复系数 | 0.3 |
回弹系数 | 0 |
颗粒应力模型的压力常数ps/Pa | 10 |
颗粒应力模型的无量纲常数β | 3 |
计算颗粒代表的实际颗粒数 | 125 |
颗粒应力模型的无量纲常数 α | 10-7 |
湍流模型 | LES |
Fig.5 (a) Three-dimensional model of a bubbling fluidized bed constructed based on laboratory apparatus; (b) particle size distribution of iron oxide particles
Fig.6 (a) Characteristics of bed pressure drop under different fluidization velocities; (b) comparison between experimental and simulation results for maximum bed pressure drop and predicted values of minimum fluidization velocity
Fig.7 Thermal U3O8 reduction reactor with different particle sizes: (a) bed pressure varying with fluidization velocity and flow pattern classification; (b) comparison of bed pressure drop under the fully fluidized state and minimum fluidization velocity
Fig.10 (a) Time-averaged particle distribution in steady flow state; (b) time-averaged distribution of particle concentration at different heights in reactor
Fig.12 Evolution of instantaneous distribution of fresh feeding particles with different sizes inside reactor (coloring based on particle residence time)
Fig.15 Time variation with UO2 mass fraction of different particle sizes at solid outlet: (a) particle mixture; (b) initial packing particles; (c) fresh feeding particles
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