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25 June 2024, Volume 75 Issue 6
    Reviews and monographs
    Mechanisms of chromium poisoning in solid oxide cell air electrodes and research advances in enhancing chromium-resistivity
    Tianwen WANG, Su YAN, Mengyuan ZHAO, Tianrang YANG, Jianguo LIU
    2024, 75(6):  2091-2108.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240130
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    Solid oxide cells (SOCs) have advantages of high energy utilization, low pollution emissions, and high fuel flexibility, and will play a key role in future energy supply and storage. At present, the main bottleneck restricting the large-scale commercial application of SOC is the long-term stability that needs to be improved. The chromium poisoning of SOC air electrode caused by the metallic interconnect used for serial connection of cells is one of the key issues. The chromium poisoning mechanism in traditional air electrodes operating in power generation mode (SOFC) is relatively well understood. However, with the increasing application demand of SOC in electrolytic mode (SOEC), the mechanism of chromium poisoning in SOEC mode needs to be explored urgently. In this paper, the mechanisms of chromium poisoning for typical SOC air electrodes in both SOFC and SOEC mode are reviewed. Additionally, it summarizes and prospects the research on improving the resistance of SOC air electrodes to chromium poisoning.

    Research progress on explosion dynamic characteristics and mechanism of hybrid mixtures
    Bin SU, Haowei DONG, Zhenmin LUO, Jun DENG, Tao WANG, Fangming CHENG
    2024, 75(6):  2109-2122.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240146
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    Combustible dust and flammable gases are widely present in all aspects of industry and trade. Even when the concentrations of dust and gas are below the lower explosion limit, the mixed system still has the possibility of explosion. Compared with a single dust or gas, the hybrid mixtures have a higher explosion risk. In this paper, the explosion sensitivity parameters, explosion intensity parameters, flame propagation characteristics and its explosion mechanism of hybrid mixtures are investigated from three aspects (explosion conditions, explosion effect and explosion mechanism). The results show that the explosion characteristics of hybrid mixtures are mainly affected by the powder particle size, powder concentration, powder physicochemical properties and combustible gas concentration, and there are great differences between different hybrid mixtures. In addition, hybrid mixtures are divided into two major categories based on the powder thermal stability, and the explosion mechanism of different hybrid mixtures is examined. Based on this, the future research work focusing on the explosion prevention and control of hybrid mixture is put forward, which provides theoretical guidance for the safe production of gas-powder related explosive enterprises in industrial and mining sectors.

    Multi-temperature phase diagram of lithium-sodium-magnesium coexistence sulfate system and its application
    Zhixing ZHAO, Zhihao YAO, Xuefeng YU, Yousheng YANG, Ying ZENG, Xudong YU
    2024, 75(6):  2123-2133.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240169
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    In order to solve the problem of lithium separation caused by high ratio of sodium to lithium and high ratio of magnesium to lithium in sodium sulfate subtype salt lake brine, the multi-temperature phase diagram of lithium-sodium-magnesium coexistence sulfate system was studied to obtain the action relationship and crystallization precipitation law of lithium-sodium-magnesium sulfate. It is applied to guide the process design of reducing the content of sodium and magnesium in brine. The solid-liquid phase equilibria for the quaternary systems Li+, Na+, Mg2+//SO42--H2O at 303.2 and 318.2 K were studied by using isothermal dissolution equilibrium method. The solid phases of invariant points were verified by X-ray diffraction method (XRD). The crystal structure, crystal morphology and thermal analysis of the double salts were analyzed by X-ray diffraction method (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DSC). The results show that both these systems are complex systems, and their phase diagrams contain 4 quaternary co-saturation points, 9 univariate curves and 6 crystallization regions. The crystallization regions of the phase diagram of the system at 303.2 K is Na2SO4, Na2SO4·10H2O, Li2SO4·H2O, MgSO4·7H2O, Na2SO4·MgSO4·4H2O, Li2SO4·3Na2SO4·12H2O; 318.2 K is Na2SO4, MgSO4·7H2O, Li2SO4·H2O, Na2SO4·MgSO4·4H2O, Li2SO4·Na2SO4, Li2SO4·3Na2SO4·12H2O. By comparing the multi-temperature phase diagrams of the quaternary system at 288.2, 298.2, 303.2, 318.2 and 323.2 K, it is found that the effect of temperature on the system is mainly manifested in the crystallization form of hydrated salts and lithium-containing double salts and the change of crystallization areas of each salts. Combined with the crystallization rules of lithium-containing double salts (Li2SO4·Na2SO4, Li2SO4·3Na2SO4·12H2O), astrakhanite (Na2SO4·MgSO4·4H2O) in quaternary system and the crystallization rules of salts in ternary system Na+, Mg2+//SO42--H2O, some suggestions for the separation and processing of sodium sulfate subtype salt lake removal sodium (magnesium) and astrakhanite separation process were given.

    Calculation and analysis of thermal performance of liquid ammonia ejection pumps
    Yan YANG, Yali GUO, Shuowen YU, Bonian PAN, Shengqiang SHEN
    2024, 75(6):  2134-2142.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240086
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    In order to ensure the normal operation of the refrigeration system with a falling-film evaporator, a liquid ammonia ejection pump is used as the circulating equipment for liquid ammonia in the evaporator. Based on the gas kinetic function method, the performance calculation program of the ejection pump is prepared, the thermal performance of the ejection pump in the refrigeration system is analyzed, and the influence of the operating parameters on the performance of the ejection pump is studied. The results show that, keeping the ejection pressure and outlet pressure unchanged, the higher the working fluid pressure, the larger the entrainment ratio; the lower the working fluid temperature, the smaller the entrainment ratio. Keeping the working pressure and outlet pressure unchanged, the higher the saturated ejection pressure is, the larger the entrainment ratio is, and the closer the value of the ejection pressure is to the value of the outlet pressure, the more significant the change of the entrainment ratio is. The saturated injection liquid ammonia pressure remains unchanged, and the closer the outlet pressure is to the injection liquid ammonia pressure, the more obvious the injection coefficient increases with the increase of the working liquid ammonia pressure.

    Performance analysis and multi-objective optimization of recompression S-CO2 Brayton cycle
    Ziyang LI, Nan ZHENG, Jiabin FANG, Jinjia WEI
    2024, 75(6):  2143-2156.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240080
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    The solar thermal power generation technology combined with heat storage has stable output and strong peak shaving capabilities. The introduction of supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) Brayton cycle can further improve thermoelectric conversion efficiency. Most of the existing studies evaluated the performance of S-CO2 cycle based on a single index, leading to inconsistent evaluation results. Hence, it is necessary to carry out multi-index comprehensive evaluation to objectively reflect the cycle performance. In the present paper, mathematical models were established to investigate the thermodynamic performance and economy of a 35 MW recompression S-CO2 cycle, and the effects of critical parameters on cycle performance was analyzed. A BP-GA optimization method of back propagation neural network combined with elitist nondominated sorting genetic algorithm was constructed for multi-objective optimization of cycle performance. The results indicate that the cycle efficiency increases with an increasing total thermal conductivity of the recuperators, but there is a ceiling on growth. There are significant non-monotonic relations between turbine inlet temperature, minimum cycle pressure, maximum cycle pressure, split ratio and cycle performance, and the corresponding optimal values are 639.14℃, 8.10 MPa, 29.74 MPa and 0.70, respectively. Compared with the cycle performance based on the design conditions, the optimized cycle shows a reduction of 11.1% in LCOE, and an increase of 5.1% and 27.6% in efficiency and specific work, respectively.

    Thermodynamics analysis on liquid-phase synthesis of cyanuric acid
    Huiyu CHAO, Zhenmin BAI, Hanqing HOU, Lizhi TIAN, Hong LI, Xiaoquan FANG, Xiaohua SHI
    2024, 75(6):  2157-2165.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20231318
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    The liquid-phase synthesis of cyanuric acid using glycol as a circulating agent is a series reaction system consisting of alcoholysis, elimination and cycloaddition reactions. The thermophysical properties of components, enthalpy changes, Gibbs free energy changes and equilibrium constant of this reaction system were carried out by group contribution method. Then feasibility and difficulty of the reactions were analyzed on the basis of thermodynamic calculation combined with available experimental data. The results show that alcoholysis and elimination are both endothermic process and the equilibrium constants of the two reactions are small,which can be promoted forward by improving temperature. Cycloaddition reaction is exothermic and can be fully proceeded. The consecutive reaction can proceed under the appropriate conditions. The outcome from thermodynamic calculation and analysis can provide theoretical guidance for the development of the industrial scale-up process of the reaction.

    Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena
    Flow characteristics of non-spherical wet particles in a draft tube spout-fluid bed
    Dekang ZHAN, Teng SUN, Xiangzhu WANG, Mingzhou WU, Man WU, Qingjie GUO
    2024, 75(6):  2166-2179.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240292
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    Most of the particles in industrial production have a non-spherical shape. However, the study of particle shape effect and liquid phase mechanism is insufficient, which is the main limiting factor for the application of draft tube spout-fluid bed in particle coating. In this study, the spherical and non-spherical cylindrical particles with similar particle size and density were selected as experimental materials. The pressure pulsation signal spectrum analysis and information entropy analysis of the two types of particles under different gas velocities and droplet introduction amounts were compared, and it is divided based on the gas-solid flow convection pattern in the bed. Meanwhile, the effect of particle shape and liquid phase under spouted-fluidized state were clarified by signal analysis method. The results show that non-spherical particles have a smaller minimum spouting velocity, multiple main frequency peaks and higher information entropy than spherical particles. These indicate that non-spherical particles have a high degree of chaos in the system. The solid circulation rate is reduced due to the friction and collision between particles in the draft tube. The minimum spouting velocity and the minimum spout fluidizing velocity are decrease owing to the introduction of liquid in the bed. Meanwhile, the liquid bridging force between particles is increased in the annular region, resulting in an increasing of the minimum fluidization velocity. However, the gas velocity is increased with the evaporating of liquid, resulting in a decrease in the minimum spouting velocity and the minimum spouting fluidization velocity. Due to the introduction of liquid during the spouted-fluidized flow pattern, the dominant frequency of pressure drop ΔpDT is reduced for the spherical particle. However, the dominant frequency of pressure drop ΔpDT is increased for the non-spherical particle. Moreover, owing to the liquid adhering, the spectrum analysis of non-spherical particles show a single dominant frequency peak with a larger amplitude. This indicates an enhanced regularity of pressure fluctuations for non-spherical wet particles.

    Deformation and breakup behavior of nanoparticle-stabilized bubbles in high-viscosity systems
    He ZHAO, Yingjie FEI, Chunying ZHU, Taotao FU, Youguang MA
    2024, 75(6):  2180-2189.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240210
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    A high-speed camera was used to study the morphology of nanoparticle-stabilized bubbles in the highly viscous fluid in the microchannel during the flow process and its impact on the bubble collapse at the downstream symmetrical Y-junction bifurcation. Three shapes of moving bubbles in the straight channel were observed: slug bubble, dumbbell bubble, and grenade bubble, and the bubble shape was mainly affected by the flow rate of the dispersed phase. The breakup flow pattern of the bubbles at the Y-junction is mainly breakup with partial blockage. The breakup period of bubbles adsorbing nanoparticles is larger than that of bubbles without nanoparticles, and the difference of their breakup period ΔTb shows three different rules. ΔTb is positive and positive correlation with Ca when Ca > 0.042. There are two cases when Ca < 0.042: ΔTb is positive and negative correlation with Ca; ΔTb is negative and positive correlation with Ca. In addition, the deformed bubbles show asymmetric rupture behavior at the Y-junction, and the asymmetry of their breakup is related to the degree of deformation of the bubbles. When Ca is larger than the critical capillary number CaCr, the reduction rate of diameter at the tail of the bubbles accelerates, which exacerbates the deformation of the bubbles and causes more significantly asymmetric breakups of the bubbles. The results show that the CaCr value of bubbles adsorbing nanoparticles is the same as that of bubbles in the particle-free system, but grenade bubbles adsorbing nanoparticles show a greater degree of deformation and more obvious breakup asymmetry.

    Simulation of effect of nozzle parameters on supercritical hydrothermal combustion characteristics
    Zhian WANG, Zhong LAN, Xuehu MA
    2024, 75(6):  2190-2200.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240013
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    The role of reactor nozzle is to maintain the stability of the hydrothermal flame in a complex flow field. A computational fluid dynamics model of the supercritical hydrothermal combustion process of methanol in an internally preheated transpiration wall reactor (IPTWR) was developed, and the effects of material thermophysical properties and structural parameters of the nozzle on the feed mixing characteristics and flame structure were analyzed. The results show that the improvement of the heat transfer characteristics of the nozzle material makes the hydrothermal flame move toward high temperature and wide area; the diameter of the oxygen-assisted heat mixing section decreases from 18 mm to 14 mm, the peak axial temperature of the reactor increases from 954.84 K to 981.60 K, and the flame position moves toward the distal end; with the decrease of the indentation depth of the nozzle, the hydrothermal flame is gradually converged toward the nozzle outlet, which is manifested as a phenomenon of flame contraction. In this nozzle structure parameter range, the short oxygen-assisted heat mixing flow path with small diameter helps the hydrothermal flame temperature increase and gathering stabilization. Theoretical guidance is provided for the nozzle design of the internal preheated transpiration wall reactor.

    Analysis of criteria for ideal flow patterns in gas-solid micro fluidized bed reaction analyzer
    Fei LU, Bona LU, Guangwen XU
    2024, 75(6):  2201-2213.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20231386
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    Micro fluidized bed (MFB) has received much attention in the reaction kinetics measurement due to its unique features like small gas back-mixing and good operability. Only by obtaining the change pattern of flow pattern with operating parameters we can achieve effective control of the ideal flow pattern of the micro fluidized bed. In this study, the combination of two-fluid model (TFM) and the structure-dependent drag model (namely multiscale CFD) is used to simulate a series of fluidization behaviors of Class A particles and Class B particles in MFBs. Then the effects of gas velocity Ug, bed diameter Dt and initial bed height Hs on the gas back-mixing behaviors are investigated by analyzing the characteristics of the solid concentration distribution and the gas residence time distribution (RTD). It is shown that the ideal flow pattern only appears when the MFB is operated between incipient bubbling fluidization and incipient turbulent fluidization. The RTD curves are further analyzed and a new criterion, that is, the skewness S< 0.6, which takes into account the features of RTD curve (e.g., trailing, multiple peaks), is proposed, thus avoiding the misjudgment by using the original criterion [the variance σt2<0.25 and peak height E(t)h>1]. In the future, the effects of material properties and extreme operating conditions will be further investigated to establish an operating standard for MFB used in reaction kinetics measurement.

    Multiscale mixing index for granular systems
    Jiayu XU, Feiguo CHEN, Ji XU, Wei GE
    2024, 75(6):  2214-2221.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240194
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    Systematic study of the homogeneity of particle mixtures reveals significant multiscale features in mixing process. In particular, homogenous mixtures at macro-scale may display severe heterogeneity at micro-scale, and vice versa. Meanwhile, different particle sampling methods and mixing indexes may yield significantly varied results for the same mixture at same scales. The results indicate that different mixing indices exhibit inconsistency at different scales. A multiscale mixing index using different methods at appropriate scales and characterizing the homogeneity as a distribution over different scales, rather than a single value at an undefined scale, is hence proposed and considered more precise and comprehensive.

    Experimental study on performance of new type of pulsating heat pipe for battery cooling
    Xinze LI, Shuangxing ZHANG, Honghai YANG, Wenjing DU
    2024, 75(6):  2222-2232.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20231309
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    A C-shaped pulsating heat pipe (PHP) for battery cooling was proposed, it has better heat dissipation and wrapping characteristics. Methanol, acetone, deionized water, ethanol and methanol-acetone mixture were selected as the working medium of PHP, and the performance of PHP under different heating power (30—210 W) and filling rate (FR) (30%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%) was investigated experimentally. The results show that too high or too low FR is not conducive to the stable operation of PHP. In practical application, thermal resistance, heat transfer limit and other indicators need to be comprehensively considered to select the appropriate FR. In the range of experimental research, the optimal FR of PHP is about 45%. Under this FR, PHP has low thermal resistance, small fluctuation of evaporation temperature, and stable operation. The thermal properties of the working medium significantly affect the working characteristics of PHP. Considering the evaporation temperature and thermal resistance, the PHP filled with methanol-acetone mixture shows better performance. The battery cooling system based on C-shaped PHP is able to meet the battery cooling requirements of the second generation Mirai, allowing a maximum volume power density of 6 kW/L of the battery, which can control its surface temperature below 84℃. It is necessary to select the working medium and layout mode of C-shaped PHP according to the application, and reasonable deployment of C-shaped PHP can ensure the safe operation of controlled objects. The relevant conclusions provide an important reference for the design of battery thermal control system.

    Numerical study on spreading characteristics of droplet impact on single fiber
    Bin HUANG, Shengjie FENG, Cheng FU, Wei ZHANG
    2024, 75(6):  2233-2242.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240179
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    The phenomenon of droplet impact on a single fiber is widely present in the processing of oil and gas, making the study of the spreading characteristics of droplet impact on a single fiber of significant importance for enhancing the thermal and mass transfer efficiency of chemical engineering equipment. Based on the volume of fluent (VOF) method, a numerical model of droplet impact on a single fiber was established, and the effects of initial velocity, initial diameter, impact eccentricity, and impact angle on the droplet spreading factor were systematically studied. The results indicate that increasing the initial velocity accelerates the growth rate of the spreading factor and extends the duration of its maximum value. Additionally, reducing the initial diameter of the droplet yields a higher spreading factor. Shortening the impact eccentricity facilitates more comprehensive spreading of the droplet, with the optimal spreading effect occurring at an eccentricity within 0.2R. Decreasing the impact angle also promotes more thorough spreading of the droplet, where the spreading factor curve exhibits a spreading transition point at different impact angles. Furthermore, the pressure difference between the center and sides of the liquid film drives the rapid spreading of the droplet until it stops after reaching the maximum spreading length. This study can provide a theoretical reference for the optimization design of chemical engineering equipment containing wire mesh packing.

    Catalysis, kinetics and reactors
    Synthesis of propylene carbonate from CO2 and propylene oxide: hydrogen bond activation strategy
    Guangyu ZHANG, Ranfei FU, Bing SUN, Juncong YUAN, Xiang FENG, Chaohe YANG, Wei XU
    2024, 75(6):  2243-2251.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240083
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    Under the background of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals”, the comprehensive utilization of CO2 meets great challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, the conversion of CO2 into high value-added chemicals is of great significance for energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon recycling. The conversion of CO2 and epoxides into cyclic carbonates through cycloaddition reaction is one of the important ways of carbon resource recycling. The effects of hydrogen bond donor on cycloaddition reaction of propylene oxide (PO) in homogeneous system with tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBABr) as catalyst were explored in detail. In addition, the polarity of linear alcohols and phenols were investigated for enhancing the catalytic performance, respectively. It was found that the conversion of PO shows significantly increased propylene epoxide conversion from 49.8% to 99.8% while maintaining high propylene carbonate selectivity (99.51%) under the mild conditions (100℃, 2 h, 1.5 MPa), which is much higher than that of non-hydrogen bond donor system. In addition, this study quantitatively described the impact of the polar parameters of hydrogen bond donors (alcohols, phenols) on reaction performance by establishing a linear solvation energy relationship and a Kamlet-Taft expression. Meanwhile, the reaction mechanism of the hydrogen bond donor was elucidated.

    Separation engineering
    Study on the adsorption kinetics of metal chloride-ammonia working fluid pair under non-equilibrium conditions
    Yanling CHEN, Bingzhi YUAN, Liwei WANG, Chen ZHANG, Hanyu ZHU
    2024, 75(6):  2252-2261.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240011
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    Metal chloride/ammonia is a common working pair for chemical adsorption refrigeration and heat storage. Its existing kinetic model has the disadvantage of being complex or kinetic parameters change irregularly, and it cannot accurately and independently describe the adsorption process of multiple reaction stages. Taking MnCl2/NH3 and CaCl2/NH3 as representative working pairs, the sorption and desorption performances of composite sorbent of chloride and expanded natural graphite treated with sulfuric acid with mass ratio of 4∶1 were tested and investigated at the reaction pressures of 0.29, 0.42 and 0.61 MPa. The experimental results showed that the reaction rate decreased with the deepening of the reaction. Thus, a novel sorption kinetic model based on sorption capacities concerning pressure potential (μ), reaction rate constant (k), and reaction hysteresis constant (n) was built by coupling the Sigmond function and the analogy model. The robustness test results evidenced that the fitting curves of the non-equilibrium kinetic model worked satisfactorily on rebuilding the experimental data points for different chlorides, reaction stages (Ca2-4-2 and Ca4-8-4), and reaction directions (sorption and desorption) with the goodness of fit (R2) higher than 0.97. Moreover, the model parameters changed regularly with the various working conditions. At the same reaction pressure, k is negatively correlated with sorption temperature, but positively correlated with desorption temperature, and |n| is negatively correlated with desorption temperature.

    Behavior of high viscosity oil droplets in oil-water membrane separation and its influencing factors
    Zongwei HUO, Yabin NIU, Yanqiu PAN
    2024, 75(6):  2262-2273.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240088
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    Membrane separation of heavy oil components in oilfield produced wastewater is an important factor affecting membrane pollution, and the complex oil droplet behavior near the membrane surface directly affects the membrane separation effect under different membrane separation conditions. So it is necessary to study the behavior of high viscosity oil droplets near the membrane surface. Based on experimental results of the physical properties of actual oilfield produced wastewater, the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method was used to analyze the behavior of oil droplets by combining the trajectory of high viscosity oil droplets and the interaction energy between oil droplets. The results show that the double oil droplets exhibit two types of behaviors: passing and coalescing. Each can be divided into three behavioral stages: liquid drainage between oil droplets, oil droplet contact, and oil droplet stabilization. The decrease of the distance between double oil droplets and the distance between oil droplets and the membrane surface was conducive to the coalescence of oil droplets, which was conducive to oil-water separation, and the decrease of the distance between oil droplets and the membrane surface would cause the position of oil droplets after collision to be further away from the membrane surface. The presence of surfactants hindered the coalescence of oil droplets and was not conducive to oil-water separation, and ionic surfactants had a stronger hindering effect due to their strong repulsion between hydrophilic heads. The presence of the third oil droplet promoted the coalescence of the double oil droplets, and the degree of coalescence promotion was affected by the collision angle of oil droplets. The research results can provide a basis for the subsequent study of the interaction between oil droplets and separation membranes and the effectiveness of oil-water separation, as well as theoretical support for the setting and technical optimization of membrane oil-water separation conditions.

    Efficient fractionation of sugarcane bagasse with phenoxyethanol under mild condition
    Yiqi ZHANG, Xuesong TAN, Wuhuan LI, Quan ZHANG, Changlin MIAO, Xinshu ZHUANG
    2024, 75(6):  2274-2282.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240049
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    In this study, efficient fractionation of sugarcane bagasse (SCB) with acidified phenoxyethanol (EPH) was investigated. High lignin (90.33%) and hemicellulose (76.70%) removal efficiency with 90.47% cellulose retention was achieved by using EPH at 110℃, 60 min, with 0.05 mol/L acid loading for SCB. The enzymatic digestibility of residue reached 89.71%, which was nearly 6 times that of the untreated sugarcane bagasse (15.93%). 74.29% lignin of 93.53% purification was recovered from the pretreatment solution using isopropyl ether. SEM, XRD, and FTIR were used to characterize the composition and structure of the pretreated residue and raw materials. It was found that the morphological structure of bagasse was destroyed, the crystallinity was improved, and the enzymatic digestibility was greatly improved. Additionally, the etherification of phenoxyethanol and lignin to suppress the condensation of lignin was disclosed by 2D HSQC characterization. Overall, EPH pretreatment achieved efficient fractionation and recovery of high purity lignin and fermentable sugars under mild condition from sugarcane bagasse. This study can provide reference for the high-value utilization of lignocellulosic biomass.

    Removal of Hg2+ from water by magnetic polyaminothiazole adsorbent
    Yan WANG, Jiawen ZHOU, Peiliang SUN, Yong CHEN, Yuanhong QI, Chong PENG
    2024, 75(6):  2283-2298.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240134
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    In this study, magnetic particle adsorbent Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT was prepared by using polydopamine (PDA) assisted loading polyaminothiazole (PAT) method. The adsorbent was characterized by XRD, VSM, TG, SEM, XPS, EDS, and Zeta potential analysis, and the adsorption performance of the adsorbent for mercury was investigated. The results showed that Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT exhibited super paramagnetic behavior, and its Zeta potential was positive at pH<2 and negative at pH>2. At 303 K and a mercury ion concentration of 50 mg/L in simulated wastewater, the equilibrium adsorption capacities of Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT were 121.9 mg/g and 153.1 mg/g at pH 1.3 and pH 5.0, respectively. The adsorption process of mercury ions by Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT was a spontaneous process and followed the second-order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm model at 303 K, as well as in strong acid (pH 1.3) and weak acid (pH 5.0) environments. The adsorption of mercury ions by Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT in strong acid environment (pH 1.3) was an exothermic process driven by enthalpy, while in weak acid environment (pH 5.0) it was an endothermic process driven by entropy. The use of 2 mol/L mixed acid (hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in a molar ratio of 1∶1) as the desorption solution could achieve a mercury desorption rate of more than 91%. Under the conditions of 303 K, pH 1.3, and Hg2+ concentration 20 mg/L, when the mass concentration of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ were 20 times that of Hg2+, the Hg2+ equilibrium adsorption capacities of Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT for mercury ions decreased by 33.2%, 32.1%, 20.6%, 26.7%, 21.2%, 29.6%, and 17.8%, respectively. In simulated seawater, the mercury adsorption capacity decreased by 40.9%. Fe3O4@SiO2@PDA-PAT exhibited good mercury adsorption selectivity and had the potential to be used for purifying seawater and removing heavy metals.

    Process system engineering
    Improved conditional Gaussian regression soft sensor based on just-in-time learning
    Hongtao LI, Zhenlei WANG, Xin WANG
    2024, 75(6):  2299-2312.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240127
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    Data-driven online soft sensing is an important research direction in current industrial intelligent sensing. In the practical use of algorithms, process mode switching and data drift might reduce the performance of soft sensors. Traditional adaptive approaches confront limitations, such as a limited variety of models and a tendency to forget previously acquired modes. A sample temporal and spatial weighted conditional gaussian regression (STWCGR) soft sensor algorithm based on just-in-time learning is proposed to overcome these issues. This algorithm uses probability density and conditional probability for soft sensing modeling and prediction. First, a sample spatiotemporal mixed-weight technique is used to pick local modeling data in accordance with the just-in-time learning principle. Then, the local Gaussian probability density models are accumulated to fit the data distribution by incorporating the concept of Gaussian mixture regression. Finally, momentum updates and mode updates are introduced to enhance prediction stability and endow the model with adaptability to new working conditions. The efficacy of the suggested algorithm is confirmed by simulation studies with respect to forecast precision, stability, and flexibility to accommodate new modes.

    Particle size prediction of cobalt oxalate synthesis process based on slow feature analysis and least squares support vector regression
    Han ZHANG, Shuning ZHANG, Ke LIU, Guanlong DENG
    2024, 75(6):  2313-2321.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20231394
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    Cobalt oxalate synthesis process is a key unit operation of cobalt hydrometallurgy, and its particle size distribution is an important quality index. However, it is difficult to measure online in real-time. At the same time, the synthesis process of cobalt oxalate usually has the characteristics of nonlinearity, multiple constraints and slow time variation. In this paper, a cobalt oxalate particle size prediction model integrating slow feature analysis and least square support vector regression was proposed to achieve online measurement of particle size cobalt oxalate synthesis process. In this method, first, the SFA method can effectively capture the slow feature vector of the process and solve the slow time-varying problem. Then, the LSSVR method is used to establish a nonlinear relationship model between slow features and particle size, and then realize the online prediction of quality indicators. Finally, a nonlinear numerical case and data on the synthesis process of cobalt oxalate are used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results show that compared with the single radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), LSSVR prediction model and the combined prediction model of SFA and NN, the prediction accuracy of the proposed method in numerical cases is improved by 13.31%, 2.26% and 1.72% respectively. The prediction accuracy of cobalt oxalate synthesis is improved by 13.27%, 9.96% and 8.92%, respectively.

    Surface and interface engineering
    Lithium metal anode interface thermal distribution evolution mechanism
    Runlong LI, Tong XU, Fei CHEN, Chengwei MA
    2024, 75(6):  2322-2331.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240238
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    Lithium metal batteries are considered to be a favorable choice for high energy density batteries due to its high theoretical compared capacity. However, the interface instability has always been the biggest challenge for the commercial development of lithium metal batteries. The evolution mechanism of the thermal field is a key factor affecting the cyclic life during the evolution of lithium metal interfaces. Here, the heat distribution evolution mechanism of the lithium metal anode interface is revealed and quantified through the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) heat distribution evolution model. The three influencing factors are as follows: the ratio of SEI to the diffusion capacity of electrolytes, the electrolyte properties, the anisotropy in the SEI. The results show that the maximum temperature gradient at an appropriate proportion is relatively small. The concentration of the electrolyte affects the performance of the electrolyte, which will affect the thermal distribution of the lithium metal anode interface. The SEI anisotropy can induce lateral growth of lithium dendrites, which is conducive to uniform distribution of interfacial heat. This work provides certain theoretical guidance for the interface design of lithium metal batteries.

    Energy and environmental engineering
    Adsorption performance and mechanism of ZSM-5 molecular sieves on typical coating VOCs
    Zhong JI, Yanling ZHAO, Yumeng CHEN, Linxia GAO, Yipeng WANG, Huan LIU
    2024, 75(6):  2332-2343.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240042
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    A series of ZSM-5 molecular sieves with wide silica-to-aluminium ratios (50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800, 1500, 3000) were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method, aiming to study their effects on typical volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds, VOCs) in the coating industry. Meanwhile, the acidic sites on the surface of the molecular sieves were combined in order to resolve the mechanism of the influence of the silica-aluminium ratio on the adsorption performance of the molecular sieves. The experimental results showed that the adsorption capacity of acetone was mainly affected by its own polarity, branched structure and acid sites on the surface of molecular sieves. The adsorption performance of butyl acetate, styrene, p-xylene, benzene and toluene would be affected by their own molecular weight, molecular diameter, polarity, molecular structure and functional groups at the same time, and VOCs with large molecular weights and molecular diameters, high polarity and branched structures were more likely to be adsorbed by ZSM-5 molecular sieves. Among these six VOCs, ZSM-5 molecular sieve showed the best adsorption effect on acetone, the silica-aluminium ratio had the greatest effect on its adsorption performance, because acetone is more easily adsorbed on Lewis acid sites than the others, the change of silica-aluminium ratio will affect the number of acid sites. The molecular sieves with low silica-aluminium ratio are suitable for acetone adsorption due to their higher number of acid sites.

    Study on the carbon reduction potential of blast furnace injection process using reformed coke oven gas
    Chenggong CHANG, Haonan SONG, Feixia LEI, Zichen DI, Fangqin CHENG
    2024, 75(6):  2344-2352.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20231163
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    The iron and steel industry accounts for 14%—18% of the total carbon emissions in China, making it the highest emitting sector in the industrial field. The blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace process contributes to 89% of the total steel production in China. This process is characterized by a long flow path and emits 2 tons of carbon per ton of steel produced. Carbon emission reduction based on the blast furnace-converter process is key to the steel industry's decarbonization goals. Based on the energy balance model, this study focuses on analyzing the impact of using coke oven gas and reformed coke oven gas for blast furnace injection on process parameters such as direct reduction degree and theoretical coke ratio. It aims to systematically evaluate the potential carbon dioxide emission reduction benefits of this approach. The results indicate that increasing the injection volume and temperature of hydrogen-rich gas effectively reduces coke consumption. However, under the same injection volume conditions, increasing the hydrogen purity leads to a slight increase in coke consumption due to heat compensation. When the coke oven gas is reformed to yield hydrogen gas with a purity of 97.9%, a carbon reduction of 34.62% in the blast furnace can be achieved. Compared to direct injection of coke oven gas, the potential for carbon reduction is increased by 17.76%. The carbon reduction mainly stems from the decrease in coke consumption and the reduced carbon content in the injected gas. Power generation from blast furnace gas is also a crucial step in carbon reduction. When the hydrogen purity of the injected gas is increased from 59% to 97.9%, the carbon reduction potential in this step is improved from 9.04% to 10.85%. The reformation of coke oven gas in the blast furnace injection process has the potential to surpass the upper limit of carbon reduction achievable with hydrogen-rich gas, making it a promising approach with potential for widespread implementation.

    Pilot study on comprehensive recycling of waste lithium iron phosphate powder
    Yang JIANG, Changhong PENG, Wei CHEN, Hao ZHOU, Zhongbin MA, Hongbo LI, Zairong QIU, Guopeng ZHANG, Kanggen ZHOU
    2024, 75(6):  2353-2361.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240004
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    This work aims to evaluate the efficiency of comprehensive recovery of battery-grade iron phosphate (FePO4) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) from spent lithium iron phosphate cathode powder (LFP/C) with high fluorine/aluminum content following high-temperature calcination-neutralization precipitation. A pilot-scale platform with an annual processing capacity of 500 tons was established. The investigation includes process stability, product performance characterization, preliminary economic assessment, and the reutilization of secondary slag. The results demonstrate that over 85.63% aluminum removal and 94.70% titanium removal can be achieved through this process, with the Fe/Al mass ratio in the purified liquid increasing from 203 to 1077, laying a foundation for comprehensive recycling of spent LFP/C. The prepared FePO4 and Li2CO3 met the standards for battery-grade materials. The regenerated LFP/C cathode material exhibits a first-cycle coulombic efficiency of 95.2% at 0.1 C, and a capacity retention of 97.1% after 250 cycles at 1 C, indicating its favorable electrochemical performance. In addition, the economic evaluation further highlights the superiority of the process in terms of economic and environmental benefits.

    Determination of tetracycline degradation by alkali-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide system: law of action and mechanism analysis
    Mengyao KOU, Fangfei ZHENG, Wen XU, Na GUO, Bing LIAO
    2024, 75(6):  2362-2374.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240268
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    When alkali catalyzes hydrogen peroxide to degrade pollutants, different alkali catalysts have different mechanisms of catalyzing hydrogen peroxide to degrade pollutants. The study selected sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and disodium hydrogen phosphate as different alkali catalysts, and used tetracycline as the target pollutant to explore the rules and mechanisms of the degradation of tetracycline by alkali-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide systems. The effects of pH, tetracycline concentration, H2O2 concentration, buffer substance dosage, buffer substance type and pre-reaction time on the degradation of tetracycline were investigated. The results showed that pH had the most significant effect on the degradation effect of tetracycline, with the best effect at pH 10.00—10.50, and the rest of the influencing factors did not produce significant effects within the gradient range studied in this paper. Meanwhile, it was found that the pH of different alkali-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide systems had different trends during the reaction process. In other systems, the pH decreased continuously as the reaction proceeded, while the pH increased continuously during the degradation of tetracycline in the NaHCO3-H2O2 system, and it was speculated that this phenomenon was caused by the process of HCO4- production after the analysis of the carbon conversion mechanism. The degradation of tetracycline was divided into two processes, decolorization and mineralization: free radical quenching experiments proved that free radicals did not contribute much to the decolorization process of tetracycline. CO2 flux experiments confirmed that HCO4- does not oxidize tetracycline and that the main acting substance in tetracycline decolorization is HO2-. By comparing the TOC test results of NaOH-H2O2 system and NaHCO3-H2O2 system, it was found that the mineralization degree of NaOH-H2O2 system was higher than that of NaHCO3-H2O2 system, and EPR electron paramagnetic resonance experiments revealed that the signals of HO· and O2·- in the NaOH-H2O2 system were higher than that of the NaHCO3-H2O2 system, and that mineralization process of free radicals are the main oxides.

    Process safety
    Discussion on integrated security control in process industry
    Jianwen ZHANG, Tingsheng ZHAO, Pingyu WAN, Qianlin WANG, Zhan DOU, Bo XU
    2024, 75(6):  2375-2384.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20240057
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    Process industries such as chemical industry, metallurgy, petrochemicals, steel, papermaking, and electric power are important pillars of the country's economic and social development, and their safe and efficient production is of great strategic significance. The prominent characteristics of the process industry are the complicated long production processes and complex correlation and coupling of various processes. From raw materials to products, it involves various physical and chemical processes, such as mass and heat transfer processes, and interactions occurring in multi-source, multi-scale and multi-temporal and spatial, affecting the production safety, the efficiency of material and energy exchange and ecological environment as well. It has been a long-existing and changing problem for process industry to realize the integrated security. The core concern of integrated safety control of process industry lies in the reflection of mass flow and energy flow to digital flow, the transformation of digital flow to high-quality information flow, and the transformation of information flow to control flow. This paper puts forward a novel idea of integrated safety controls in process industry titled “five flows-three transformations-three controls”, and discusses how to break through the digitalization of the mapping process from mass and energy flows to digital flow, break through the digital intelligence problem of the transformation from digital flow to high-quality information flow, and the decision lag problem of the transformation from information flow to control flow. It is expected to provide a new framework system basis for the integrated safety management and control in processindustry and promote the sustainable development of process industry.