化工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 71 ›› Issue (9): 4131-4140.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20200547
Kening SUN(),Qian CHEN,Mingming NIE,Ruijun HOU(
Ruijun HOU
孙克宁, 陈谦, 聂明明, 侯瑞君. 重整催化剂的抗硫性能研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(9): 4131-4140.
Kening SUN, Qian CHEN, Mingming NIE, Ruijun HOU. Progress in the sulfur resistance of reforming catalysts[J]. CIESC Journal, 2020, 71(9): 4131-4140.
图2 Rh、Ni、Rh2Ni1、Rh1Ni2表面上四种基本丙烷蒸汽重整路径活化能垒的比较[32]
Fig.2 Comparison of activation barriers across surfaces of Rh, Ni, Rh2Ni1 and Rh1Ni2 for four elementary propane steam reforming paths[32]
金属 | 吸附能/eV | |
H2S | S | |
Ni | -0.95 | -5.62 |
Ni-Cu | -0.94 | -5.68 |
Ni-Ag | -0.57 | -5.04 |
Ni-Au | -0.75 | -4.63 |
Ni-Rh | -1.03 | -5.38 |
Ni-Pd | -0.88 | -5.30 |
Ni-Pt | -0.82 | -4.98 |
表1 H2S、S在Ni和Ni-M合金表面的吸附能
Table 1 Adsorption energies of H2S, S on the Ni and M/Ni surfaces
金属 | 吸附能/eV | |
H2S | S | |
Ni | -0.95 | -5.62 |
Ni-Cu | -0.94 | -5.68 |
Ni-Ag | -0.57 | -5.04 |
Ni-Au | -0.75 | -4.63 |
Ni-Rh | -1.03 | -5.38 |
Ni-Pd | -0.88 | -5.30 |
Ni-Pt | -0.82 | -4.98 |
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