化工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 73 ›› Issue (4): 1501-1514.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20211786
Yifei WANG(),Qingqiang WANG,Desheng JI,Shenfang LI,Nan JIN,Yuchao ZHAO(
Yuchao ZHAO
通道壁面浸润性对微通道内的气-液两相流具有重要影响。利用等离子体辅助接枝改性,将甲基丙烯酰乙基磺基甜菜碱(SBMA)及1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-全氟癸基三乙氧基硅烷接枝在聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)材料表面,得到了10°、40°、70°和110°四种接触角的微通道,并考察了浸润性对流型、气泡长度和压降的影响。结果表明,随接触角增大,气泡截断位置下移,膨胀阶段缩短,挤压阶段变长;低流量时,气泡长度随接触角增加而增大,高流量时则减小;建立了与材料表面水接触角相关的气泡尺寸预测关联式,与Garstecki经典预测关联式相比,预测精度更高;θ<90°时,接触角增加,压降减小;θ>90°时,三相接触线使流动阻力和压降增加。
王宜飞, 王清强, 姬德生, 李申芳, 金楠, 赵玉潮. 微通道壁面浸润性对气-液两相流的影响规律研究[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(4): 1501-1514.
Yifei WANG, Qingqiang WANG, Desheng JI, Shenfang LI, Nan JIN, Yuchao ZHAO. Effects of the wall wettability of microchannel on the gas-liquid two-phase flow hydrodynamics[J]. CIESC Journal, 2022, 73(4): 1501-1514.
图7 jG= jL =0.116 m/s条件下的气-液弹状流形成过程特性(流动方向为自右向左;以微通道宽度0.6 mm为标尺)
Fig.7 Formation process characteristics of gas-liquid slug flow at jG= jL =0.116 m/s(The flow direction is from right to left. The microchannel width was 0.6 mm as a scale bar)
图8 jG=0.162 m/s、jL=0.023 m/s条件下的气-液弹状-环形流特性(流动方向为自右向左;以微通道宽度0.6 mm为标尺)(The flow direction is from right to left. The microchannel width was 0.6 mm as a scale bar)
Fig.8 Characteristics of gas-liquid slug-annular flow at jG=0.162 m/s, jL=0.023 m/s
图9 jG=1.389 m/s、jL=0.463 m/s条件下的环状流特性(流动方向为自右向左;以微通道宽度0.6 mm为标尺)
Fig.9 Annular flow characteristics at jG=1.389 m/s, jL=0.463 m/s(The flow direction is from right to left. The microchannel width was 0.6 mm as a scale bar)
图10 jG=3.704 m/s、jL=0.023 m/s条件下的并行流特性(流动方向为自右向左;以微通道宽度0.6 mm为标尺)
Fig.10 Parallel flow characteristics at jG=3.704 m/s, jL=0.023 m/s(The flow direction is from right to left. The microchannel width was 0.6 mm as a scale bar)
图11 jG=2.315 m/s、jL=1.389 m/s条件下的搅拌流特性(流动方向为自右向左;以微通道宽度0.6 mm为标尺)
Fig.11 Churning flow characteristics at jG=2.315 m/s, jL=1.389 m/s(The flow direction is from right to left. The microchannel width was 0.6 mm as a scale bar)
图12 jG=0.231 m/s、jL=0.926 m/s条件下的泡状流特性(流动方向为自右向左;以微通道宽度0.6 mm为标尺)
Fig.12 Bubbly flow characteristics at jG=0.231 m/s, jL=0.926 m/s(The flow direction is from right to left. The microchannel width was 0.6 mm as a scale bar)
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