化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (5): 2081-2090.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240143
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李静1(), 张方芳1, 王帅帅1, 徐建华1, 张朋远1,2(
Jing LI1(), Fangfang ZHANG1, Shuaishuai WANG1, Jianhua XU1, Pengyuan ZHANG1,2(
Pengyuan ZHANG
李静, 张方芳, 王帅帅, 徐建华, 张朋远. 凹腔结构对正丁烷部分预混火焰可燃极限的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(5): 2081-2090.
Jing LI, Fangfang ZHANG, Shuaishuai WANG, Jianhua XU, Pengyuan ZHANG. Effect of cavity structure on flammability limit of n-butane partially premixed flame[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(5): 2081-2090.
图4 凹腔(a)/无凹腔(b)燃烧器的温度及释热率分布及凹腔(c)/无凹腔(d)在各个速度下的最大释热率
Fig.4 Distributions of temperature and heat release for cavity (a) and non-cavity burners (b), and maximum heat release at different velocity for cavity (c) and non-cavity burners (d)
图6 凹腔燃烧器在外火焰脱火(a)/回火(b)后驻涡火焰的温度及释热率分布及外火焰脱火(c)/回火(d)后驻涡火焰在各个速度下的最大热释率
Fig.6 Distributions of temperature and heat release of trapped vortex flame after blowoff (a)/flashback (b) of external flame for cavity burner, and maximum heat release at different velocity for blowoff (c)/flashback (d) of external flame
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