化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (11): 4348-4358.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240566
Han TANG(), Jin CAI, Haihang QIN, Guangjin CHEN(), Changyu SUN()
Guangjin CHEN, Changyu SUN
汤涵, 蔡进, 覃海航, 陈光进, 孙长宇. 水合物共存体系中气体溶解度预测模型[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(11): 4348-4358.
Han TANG, Jin CAI, Haihang QIN, Guangjin CHEN, Changyu SUN. Predictive model on gas solubility in water-rich phase coexisted with gas hydrates[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(11): 4348-4358.
图2 CO2在纯水中的溶解度文献值与计算值对比dots—literature data[33-34]; lines—calculated results of this work
Fig.2 Comparison of CO2 solubility in water between experimental data and model predictions in this work
图3 CO2在NaCl水溶液中的溶解度文献值与计算值对比dots—literature data[35]; lines—model predictions
Fig.3 Comparison of CO2 solubility in saline solution with different NaCl concentrations between experimental data and model predictions in this work
T/K | p/MPa | Np① | ARD ② /% | Ref. |
274.15~284.35 | 3.50~6.50 | 15 | 3.544 | [ |
276.20~281.70 | 5.00~14.30 | 16 | 2.953 | [ |
273.10~278.20 | 4.98~19.35 | 19 | 4.417 | [ |
276.45~294.55 | 10.00~40.00 | 44 | 7.537 | [ |
280.30~280.80 | 10.10~14.30 | 3 | 2.391 | [ |
274.15~286.15 | 6.00~20.00 | 13 | 8.327 | [ |
overall | 110 | 5.740 |
表1 H-Lw两相平衡下CH4在纯水中溶解度计算结果
Table 1 Predicting results of methane solubility in water coexisted with hydrate phase
T/K | p/MPa | Np① | ARD ② /% | Ref. |
274.15~284.35 | 3.50~6.50 | 15 | 3.544 | [ |
276.20~281.70 | 5.00~14.30 | 16 | 2.953 | [ |
273.10~278.20 | 4.98~19.35 | 19 | 4.417 | [ |
276.45~294.55 | 10.00~40.00 | 44 | 7.537 | [ |
280.30~280.80 | 10.10~14.30 | 3 | 2.391 | [ |
274.15~286.15 | 6.00~20.00 | 13 | 8.327 | [ |
overall | 110 | 5.740 |
图4 水合物存在条件下甲烷在水相中的溶解度预测值与实验值比较
Fig.4 Comparison of solubility of methane in water between predictions and literature data in the presence of hydrate phase dots—experimental data[36]; lines—predicted results in this work
图5 等温条件下H-Lw两相体系CH4溶解度计算值与文献值对比dots—literature data[15]; lines—model predictions in this work
Fig.5 Comparison of experimental and calculated solubility of methane in water for water-rich-hydrate two-phase system
T/K | p/MPa | Np | ARD/% | Ref. |
273.95~283.15 | 2.00~6.00 | 20 | 2.613 | [ |
277.84~280.98 | 4.99~14.20 | 32 | 3.866 | [ |
279.10~281.50 | 10.10~20.10 | 10 | 1.734 | [ |
275.30~281.40 | 2.02~4.00 | 11 | 2.272 | [ |
273.95~282.85 | 2.00~5.00 | 7 | 2.349 | [ |
275.15~281.15 | 1.85~3.97 | 30 | 6.145 | [ |
276.15~282.75 | 30.00 | 9 | 2.995 | [ |
274.06~281.08 | 1.87~23.60 | 30 | 1.997 | [ |
273.95~281.65 | 2.00~3.70 | 8 | 2.320 | [ |
278.60~283.20 | 2.33~7.47 | 8 | 5.951 | [ |
276.15~289.05 | 3.00~90.00 | 24 | 3.977 | [ |
overall | 189 | 3.532 |
表2 H-Lw两相平衡下CO2在纯水中的溶解度计算结果
Table 2 Predicting results of CO2 solubility in water coexisted with the hydrate phase
T/K | p/MPa | Np | ARD/% | Ref. |
273.95~283.15 | 2.00~6.00 | 20 | 2.613 | [ |
277.84~280.98 | 4.99~14.20 | 32 | 3.866 | [ |
279.10~281.50 | 10.10~20.10 | 10 | 1.734 | [ |
275.30~281.40 | 2.02~4.00 | 11 | 2.272 | [ |
273.95~282.85 | 2.00~5.00 | 7 | 2.349 | [ |
275.15~281.15 | 1.85~3.97 | 30 | 6.145 | [ |
276.15~282.75 | 30.00 | 9 | 2.995 | [ |
274.06~281.08 | 1.87~23.60 | 30 | 1.997 | [ |
273.95~281.65 | 2.00~3.70 | 8 | 2.320 | [ |
278.60~283.20 | 2.33~7.47 | 8 | 5.951 | [ |
276.15~289.05 | 3.00~90.00 | 24 | 3.977 | [ |
overall | 189 | 3.532 |
图6 水合物共存体系下CO2在纯水中的溶解度实验值与预测值比较dots—literature data[6]; lines—calculated results of this paper
Fig.6 Comparison of CO2 solubility in water between experimental data and model predictions in this work in the presence of hydrate
图7 H-Lw两相体系下CO2溶解度计算值与文献值对比dots—experimental data[8]; lines—model predictions in this work
Fig.7 Comparison of CO2 solubility in water in equilibrium with hydrate under constant pressure conditions between experimental data and model predictions
图8 H-Lw两相体系下CO2溶解度计算值与文献值对比dots—literature data[16,44]; lines—model predictions in this work
Fig.8 Comparison of solubility of CO2 in water between model predictions and literature data in the presence of hydrate (different pressure conditions were represented by various data points in figure)
T/K | p/MPa | Np | Molarity ① /(mol/kg) | ARD/% | Ref. |
273.15~279.15 | 4.00~6.80 | 10 | 0.529 | 2.860 | [ |
273.15~279.15 | 4.00~6.80 | 10 | 1.092 | 2.206 | [ |
277.80~283.70 | 10.10~15.10 | 8 | 1.000 | 1.785 | [ |
276.25~292.95 | peq② | 15 | 0.558 | 2.695 | [ |
277.46~283.62 | peq | 18 | 0.639 | 2.064 | [ |
overall | 61 | 2.336 |
表3 H-Lw两相平衡下CH4在NaCl水溶液中溶解度计算结果
Table 3 Methane solubility for CH4 + H2O + NaCl in H-Lw two-phase systems
T/K | p/MPa | Np | Molarity ① /(mol/kg) | ARD/% | Ref. |
273.15~279.15 | 4.00~6.80 | 10 | 0.529 | 2.860 | [ |
273.15~279.15 | 4.00~6.80 | 10 | 1.092 | 2.206 | [ |
277.80~283.70 | 10.10~15.10 | 8 | 1.000 | 1.785 | [ |
276.25~292.95 | peq② | 15 | 0.558 | 2.695 | [ |
277.46~283.62 | peq | 18 | 0.639 | 2.064 | [ |
overall | 61 | 2.336 |
图9 水合物共存体系CH4在NaCl水溶液中溶解度计算值与文献值对比dots—experimental data[45]; solid lines—model predictions in this work; dashed lines—calculated results by CSMHYD software
Fig.9 Comparison of experimental data and model predictions by CSMHYD software and this work for methane solubility in NaCl saline solutions containing CH4 hydrate
图10 CH4在1.0 mol/kg NaCl与水合物共存体系下的溶解度计算值与文献值对比
Fig.10 Comparison of solubility of methane in 1.0 mol/kg NaCl coexisted with hydrate between predictions and literature data dots—experimental data[8]; lines—model predictions in this work
T/K | p/MPa | Np | Molarity | ARD/% | Ref. |
278.80~280.40 | 10.10~20.10 | 6 | 1.000 | 2.678 | [ |
273.95~278.05 | 2.00~3.70 | 13 | 0.173 | 1.358 | [ |
273.95~278.05 | 2.00~3.70 | 13 | 0.529 | 2.048 | [ |
275.95~278.15 | 4.20~8.00 | 13 | 0.639 | 2.615 | [ |
276.34~278.49 | 3.53~21.64 | 13 | 0.620 | 1.621 | [ |
overall | 58 | 1.990 |
表4 H-Lw两相平衡下CO2在NaCl水溶液中的溶解度计算结果
Table 4 CO2 solubility for CO2 + H2O + NaCl in H-Lw two-phase systems
T/K | p/MPa | Np | Molarity | ARD/% | Ref. |
278.80~280.40 | 10.10~20.10 | 6 | 1.000 | 2.678 | [ |
273.95~278.05 | 2.00~3.70 | 13 | 0.173 | 1.358 | [ |
273.95~278.05 | 2.00~3.70 | 13 | 0.529 | 2.048 | [ |
275.95~278.15 | 4.20~8.00 | 13 | 0.639 | 2.615 | [ |
276.34~278.49 | 3.53~21.64 | 13 | 0.620 | 1.621 | [ |
overall | 58 | 1.990 |
图11 H-Lw两相平衡下CO2在NaCl水溶液中的溶解度对应温度预测值与文献值对比dots—experimental data[8,41]; solid lines—calculated results using the proposed model in this work; dashed lines—calculated H-Lw-V three-phase equilibrium boundaries by Chen-Guo model
Fig.11 Comparison of temperatures corresponding to specific CO2 solubility in 0.62 mol/kg (a) and 1 mol/kg (b) NaCl at H-Lw equilibrium and predictions in this work
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