化工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 74 ›› Issue (3): 1239-1246.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20221603
贾露凡(), 王艺颖, 董钰漫, 李沁园, 谢鑫, 苑昊, 孟涛(
Lufan JIA(), Yiying WANG, Yuman DONG, Qinyuan LI, Xin XIE, Hao YUAN, Tao MENG(
以微流控双水相液滴流技术为基础,开发了一种酶促反应平台,将微流控贴壁液滴流快速传递、高效混合的特点与双水相反应分离耦合过程优化结合。本体系克服了传统宏观双水相体系传质传热慢以及耗时耗能的问题,并建立了贴壁液滴微反应器,产生更大的内环流,进一步增强传质效果。探究了双水相液滴界面的分子限域能力、对酶和产物的选择性分配能力。通过比较贴微通道壁和未贴微通道壁两类液滴微反应器的酶促反应效果,发现贴微通道壁液滴微反应器仅6 min转化率即可达到40%,其反应速率可达未贴微通道壁液滴微反应器9.4倍。本文通过微流控双水相贴壁液滴流实现了酶促反应的强化,为微尺度下的酶催化反应过程强化提供了一种新的思路。
贾露凡, 王艺颖, 董钰漫, 李沁园, 谢鑫, 苑昊, 孟涛. 微流控双水相贴壁液滴流动强化酶促反应研究[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(3): 1239-1246.
Lufan JIA, Yiying WANG, Yuman DONG, Qinyuan LI, Xin XIE, Hao YUAN, Tao MENG. Aqueous two-phase system based adherent droplet microfluidics for enhanced enzymatic reaction[J]. CIESC Journal, 2023, 74(3): 1239-1246.
图 1 (a)微流控装置的实物图;(b)锥口局部显微镜图;(c)贴壁液滴流模型
Fig.1 (a) Microfluidic device; (b) The microscopic image of the nozzle; (c) Microfluidic adherent droplet flow model
图9 微通道内壁的亲疏水性对反应速率的影响(a)、(b)改性前后微通道的吸水高度;(c)微通道改性前后反应速率的比较(插图为对应的三相接触角照片)
Fig.9 Effect of hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of the microchannel on the reaction rate: the height of water in microchannels before (a) and after (b) microchannel surface modification; (c) the reaction rate of the catalysis performed in microchannel before and after microchannel surface modification (the insets show the corresponding three-phase contact angle)
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