CIESC Journal ›› 2022, Vol. 73 ›› Issue (9): 4062-4069.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20220493
• Energy and environmental engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wenzhang JIN1(), Yuling ZHANG1(
), Xiaoyu JIA1,2
Yuling ZHANG
CLC Number:
Wenzhang JIN, Yuling ZHANG, Xiaoyu JIA. Study on degradation efficiency of hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid by electrochemical advanced oxidation[J]. CIESC Journal, 2022, 73(9): 4062-4069.
靳文章, 张玉玲, 贾晓宇. 电化学高级氧化对HEDP的降解效能研究[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(9): 4062-4069.
氧化反应 | 氧化电位/V |
2H2O | -1.23 |
2SO | -2.01 |
H2O | -2.74 |
Table 1 Oxidation reaction potential
氧化反应 | 氧化电位/V |
2H2O | -1.23 |
2SO | -2.01 |
H2O | -2.74 |
猝灭剂 种类 | 猝灭剂浓度/(mmol/L) | c1k1 | c2k2 |
甲醇 | 30 | 2.9×1010 | 3.6×107 |
叔丁醇 | 70 | (2.7×1010)~(5.4×1010) | 3.6×107 |
Table 2 ck values of quencher and HEDP
猝灭剂 种类 | 猝灭剂浓度/(mmol/L) | c1k1 | c2k2 |
甲醇 | 30 | 2.9×1010 | 3.6×107 |
叔丁醇 | 70 | (2.7×1010)~(5.4×1010) | 3.6×107 |
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