CIESC Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (11): 3935-3950.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240502
• Reviews and monographs • Previous Articles Next Articles
Hao CHEN(), Wenqi ZHAO, Haoyu FENG, Taotao FU, Chunying ZHU, Youguang MA(
Youguang MA
陈昊(), 赵文琪, 冯浩宇, 付涛涛, 朱春英, 马友光(
CLC Number:
Hao CHEN, Wenqi ZHAO, Haoyu FENG, Taotao FU, Chunying ZHU, Youguang MA. Research progress on droplet sieving in microchannel[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(11): 3935-3950.
陈昊, 赵文琪, 冯浩宇, 付涛涛, 朱春英, 马友光. 微通道内液滴筛分的研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(11): 3935-3950.
Fig.2 Sequentially addressable dielectrophoretic array: (a) Concept and simulation of the SADA; (b) Schematic of SADA-based fluorescence-activated droplet sorter (SADA sorter in short); (c) Pictures of constructed SADA sorter[33]
Fig.3 Working principle of droplet manipulation using DEP force and droplet buoyancy: (a) Cross-sectional view of IDE region; (b) Top view of droplet manipulation region; (c) Schematic showing three functional sections of droplet bandpass filter device[34]
Fig.4 Sorting of droplets in upper/lower outlet: (a) No ultrasound, droplets followed the flow to the lower outlet; (b) Excitation at 463 kHz generated a λ/2 mode, which deflected droplet paths to upper outlet; (c), (d) Droplets were sorted by switching excitation frequency between 463 kHz and 979 kHz, corresponding to λ/2 and λ mode, respectively[40]
Fig.6 (a) Schematic diagram of acoustofluidic chip for separation of microscale droplets by surface acoustic wave (SAW)-induced acoustic radiation force (ARF); (b) Trajectories of droplets with varying acoustic impedance, acoustic power and droplet streamwise velocity, when they are exposed to acoustic field[48]
Fig.12 Droplet sieving based on droplet migration: (a)—(c) Experimental images in time series showing interfacial migration of equally viscous (λ=0.001564) droplets of size ρ=0.29和ρ=0.45; (d) Size-based sorting of droplets of size ρ=0.29和ρ=0.45; (e) Sorting of droplets of λ1=0.001564 from droplets of λ2=0.0086 of same size ρ=0.34[67]
Fig.16 Principle of pinched flow fractionation: (a) In pinched segment, particles are aligned to one sidewall regardless of their sizes by controlling flow rates from two inlets; (b) Particles are separated according to their sizes by spreading flow profile at boundary of pinched and broadened segments[74]
Fig.18 Schematic view of droplet sorting principle: (a) Hydrodynamic forces on droplets and different droplet behaviors in rail pair depending on volumes; (b) Scheme of multi-stage droplet sorting in cascade channel; (c) Shape recovery using dot rail for repeatable droplet transfer[81]
Fig.19 Principle of size-dependent droplet sorting by selective droplet transfer on dot-rail; (a) Transferring of large droplets; (b) Guiding of small droplets[82]
Fig.21 Principle diagram of droplet screening at asymmetric T-junctions: (a) Microchannel structure diagram; (b) Case of droplets flowing out from outlet 1; (c) Case of droplets flowing out from outlet 2[89]
Fig.22 (a) Schematic of constricted and parallel microchannels; (b) Effect of throat length on droplet sieving; (c) Effect of channel contraction ratios on droplet sieving[91]
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