化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (11): 4170-4177.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240591
Yongkang ZHU(), Xiemin LIU, Feng ZHANG(
), Wenhua HOU, Zhibing ZHANG
朱永康, 刘勰民, 张锋, 侯文华, 张志炳. 污染对单气泡运动与传质特性的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(11): 4170-4177.
Yongkang ZHU, Xiemin LIU, Feng ZHANG, Wenhua HOU, Zhibing ZHANG. Effects of contamination on the motion and mass transfer of single bubble[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(11): 4170-4177.
正己醇浓度/(mol·L-1) | σ/(N·m-1) |
0 | 0.07290 |
1.0×10-4 | 0.07279 |
2.5×10-4 | 0.07272 |
5.0×10-4 | 0.07241 |
1.0×10-3 | 0.07149 |
2.5×10-3 | 0.06798 |
5.0×10-3 | 0.06178 |
表1 实验温度下正己醇溶液的表面张力
Table 1 Surface tension of n-hexanol solutions
正己醇浓度/(mol·L-1) | σ/(N·m-1) |
0 | 0.07290 |
1.0×10-4 | 0.07279 |
2.5×10-4 | 0.07272 |
5.0×10-4 | 0.07241 |
1.0×10-3 | 0.07149 |
2.5×10-3 | 0.06798 |
5.0×10-3 | 0.06178 |
图4 不同浓度正己醇水溶液中气泡上升速度与当量直径实验结果
Fig.4 Experimental results of rising velocity and equivalent diameter of bubbles in aqueous solutions of different concentrations of n-hexanol
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