化工学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (10): 4021-4031.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20190421
Haotian LU(),Yiqin CHEN,Jinghong ZHOU(
),Zhijun SUI,Xinggui ZHOU
Jinghong ZHOU
鲁浩天, 陈怡沁, 周静红, 隋志军, 周兴贵. 电化学双电层电容器动态模拟:离子尺寸及扩散系数的优化[J]. 化工学报, 2019, 70(10): 4021-4031.
Haotian LU, Yiqin CHEN, Jinghong ZHOU, Zhijun SUI, Xinggui ZHOU. Simulation and optimization of electrochemical double layer capacitors: effects of ion size and diffusion coefficient[J]. CIESC Journal, 2019, 70(10): 4021-4031.
Parameters | Value |
minimum value of imposed potential/V | -0.5 |
maximum value of imposed potential/V | 0.5 |
scan rate of cyclic voltammetry/(V·s-1) | 10,102,104,105 |
cycle number | 6 |
local temperature/K | 298.5 |
bulk electrolyte concentration/(mol·L-1) | 1.0 |
solvated ion size/nm | 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 |
diffuse layer thickness/μm | 200 |
ion valency | 1 |
initial diffusion coefficient of ions in electrolyte/(m2·s-1)[ | 3.17×10-10 |
dielectric constant of electrolyte within diffuse layer[ | 61.4 |
dielectric constant of electrolyte within Stern layer | 6.5 |
表1 电化学双电层电容动态模型参数
Table 1 Parameters for elctric double capacitor dynamic state model simulation
Parameters | Value |
minimum value of imposed potential/V | -0.5 |
maximum value of imposed potential/V | 0.5 |
scan rate of cyclic voltammetry/(V·s-1) | 10,102,104,105 |
cycle number | 6 |
local temperature/K | 298.5 |
bulk electrolyte concentration/(mol·L-1) | 1.0 |
solvated ion size/nm | 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 |
diffuse layer thickness/μm | 200 |
ion valency | 1 |
initial diffusion coefficient of ions in electrolyte/(m2·s-1)[ | 3.17×10-10 |
dielectric constant of electrolyte within diffuse layer[ | 61.4 |
dielectric constant of electrolyte within Stern layer | 6.5 |
图3 不同溶剂化离子尺寸下比表面电容随着扫描速率的变化
Fig.3 Predicted specific capacitance variations at different scan rates by simulation with different solvated ion diameters
图5 不同离子扩散系数下比表面电容随着扫描速率的变化
Fig.5 Predicted specific capacitance variations at different scan rates by simulation with different ion diffusion coefficients
图8 不同溶剂化离子尺寸条件下负极附近阳离子浓度和电势梯度随扫描电势的变化曲线
Fig.8 Cation concentration and potential gradient at interface of Stern and diffusion layer with linear sweep potential for different solvated ion diameters
图7 不同离子扩散系数条件下斯特恩层与扩散层界面处阳离子浓度随扫描电势的变化曲线
Fig. 7 Cation concentration at interface of Stern and diffusion layer with different ion diffusion coefficients
图9 不同溶剂化离子尺寸条件下在斯特恩层与扩散层界面处电势梯度随界面阳离子浓度的变化曲线
Fig.9 Relation of potential gradient with cation concentration at interface of Stern and diffusion layer with different solvated ion diameters
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