化工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 73 ›› Issue (10): 4539-4550.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20220543
张后虎1(), 吴晓莉2, 陈冲冲1, 陈静静1, 王景涛1(
Houhu ZHANG1(), Xiaoli WU2, Chongchong CHEN1, Jingjing CHEN1, Jingtao WANG1(
Jingtao WANG
随着膜分离技术的迅速发展,其应用于混合溶剂分离以替代传统高能耗精馏等操作受到了越来越多研究者的关注,但制备具有均匀亚纳米筛分孔的分离膜是其面临的挑战。利用苯甲酸诱导各向同性的环糊精金属有机框架(CD-MOF)三维立方颗粒产生错层结构,再通过液相超声剥离法制得CD-MOF纳米片,以此为构筑单元制备二维层状MOF膜。膜内CD-MOF纳米片含有丰富、连通且均匀的本征亚纳米孔(0.78 nm),可识别分子间微小的尺寸差异,实现混合溶剂精准分离。如CD-MOF层状膜对溶解在苯中的均三异丙基苯与二异丙基苯混合液(摩尔比为1∶3)的分离因子达到7.4。此外,膜对溶解在甲醇中的甲基橙染料(1.0 nm)截留率达到99.6%,且甲醇通量达84.3 L·m-2·h-1·bar-1。
张后虎, 吴晓莉, 陈冲冲, 陈静静, 王景涛. CD-MOF二维层状膜制备及混合溶剂精准分离研究[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(10): 4539-4550.
Houhu ZHANG, Xiaoli WU, Chongchong CHEN, Jingjing CHEN, Jingtao WANG. Preparation of 2D lamellar CD-MOF membranes for accurate separation of mixed solvents[J]. CIESC Journal, 2022, 73(10): 4539-4550.
图1 CD-MOF颗粒的三维结构、SEM图和苯甲酸调控的CD-MOF颗粒的SEM图
Fig.1 Three-dimensional structure of CD-MOF, and SEM images of CD-MOF particles and benzoic acid-mediated CD-MOF particles
图2 CD-MOF颗粒和层错结构的CD-MOF颗粒的N2 吸附等温线、XPS谱图、XRD谱图和TG曲线a—CD-MOF particles; b—CD-MOF particles with dislocation structure
Fig.2 N2 sorption isotherms, XPS spectra, XRD patterns and TG curves of CD-MOF particles and CD-MOF particles with dislocation structure
图4 CD-MOF膜的SEM表面、断面及断面的TEM及膜对不同溶剂的吸收率和动态接触角
Fig.4 Surface and cross-sectional SEM images, high-resolution TEM image, solvent uptake and dynamic contact angles of CD-MOF membranes
图5 CD-MOF膜对染料的截留率、不同厚度膜的渗透-选择性以及常见纯溶剂的通量实验
Fig.5 Dye rejection of CD-MOF membranes, perm-selectivity of membranes with different thickness and permeance of common pure solvents
分离膜名称 | 分离染料 | 溶剂 | 渗透通量/ (L·m-2·h-1·bar-1) | 截留率/% | 文献 |
MPCM | |||||
ZIF-8Gf-GOm | 亚甲基蓝 | 水 | 49.8 | 100 | [ |
亚甲基蓝 | |||||
E-MSTF-LTA | |||||
CD-MOF | 84.3 | 99.6 | this work |
表1 所制备膜与文献报道膜有机溶剂纳滤性能比较
Table 1 The details of organic solvent nanofiltration membranes for comparison
分离膜名称 | 分离染料 | 溶剂 | 渗透通量/ (L·m-2·h-1·bar-1) | 截留率/% | 文献 |
MPCM | |||||
ZIF-8Gf-GOm | 亚甲基蓝 | 水 | 49.8 | 100 | [ |
亚甲基蓝 | |||||
E-MSTF-LTA | |||||
CD-MOF | 84.3 | 99.6 | this work |
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