化工学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (3): 1227-1235.DOI: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20181072
Jianliang YU(),Yujie HOU,Xingqing YAN,Wentao JI,Xiaozhe YU,Yibo WANG
Jianliang YU
采用竖直、可视粉尘爆炸火焰传播实验平台,结合粒子图像测速PIV技术测得喷粉的冷态流场分布,研究聚乙烯粉尘在密闭容器内的爆炸火焰传播特性,探讨火焰结构与锋面位置的动态变化、火焰传播速度等参数的变化规律。结果表明,在200~1000 g/m3浓度范围内,低浓度聚乙烯粉尘爆炸火焰呈不连续片羽状结构,火焰锋面呈离散的星点状。粉尘浓度增加,火焰连续性及亮度增强,锋面呈齿状,并在400 g/m3火焰最明亮,火焰平均传播速度均随粉尘浓度的增加先增大后减小。采用均方根湍流速度量化体系整体脉动幅度,浓度接近最佳爆炸浓度400 g/m3时,均方根湍流速度为3.21 m/s。
喻健良, 侯玉洁, 闫兴清, 纪文涛, 于小哲, 王祎博. 密闭空间内聚乙烯粉尘爆炸火焰传播特性的实验研究[J]. 化工学报, 2019, 70(3): 1227-1235.
Jianliang YU, Yujie HOU, Xingqing YAN, Wentao JI, Xiaozhe YU, Yibo WANG. Experimental study on flame propagation characteristic of polyethylene dust explosion under confined chamber[J]. CIESC Journal, 2019, 70(3): 1227-1235.
图12 不同浓度的聚乙烯粉尘爆炸火焰传播瞬时速度(a)及脉动程度(b)随时间的变化
Fig.12 Flame propagation velocities (a) and fluctuant deviation (b) of polyethylene dust explosion along with time at different dust concentrations
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