CIESC Journal ›› 2020, Vol. 71 ›› Issue (S2): 92-97.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20200556
• Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena • Previous Articles Next Articles
Feng GAO(),Yongchang CHEN(
),Jinlong ZHAO,Chongfang MA
Yongchang CHEN
CLC Number:
Feng GAO, Yongchang CHEN, Jinlong ZHAO, Chongfang MA. Influence of magnetic field on jet impingement heat transfer with molten salt[J]. CIESC Journal, 2020, 71(S2): 92-97.
高峰, 陈永昌, 赵金龙, 马重芳. 磁场对熔盐射流冲击传热的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(S2): 92-97.
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