化工学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 68 ›› Issue (10): 3693-3707.DOI: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20170169
陈兆辉1,2, 高士秋1, 许光文1
CHEN Zhaohui1,2, GAO Shiqiu1, XU Guangwen1
Supported by:
supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFB0600304).
陈兆辉, 高士秋, 许光文. 煤热解过程分析与工艺调控方法[J]. 化工学报, 2017, 68(10): 3693-3707.
CHEN Zhaohui, GAO Shiqiu, XU Guangwen. Analysis and control methods of coal pyrolysis process[J]. CIESC Journal, 2017, 68(10): 3693-3707.
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