化工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 71 ›› Issue (2): 698-707.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20190771
Guihua HU1,2(),Zhencheng YE1,2,Wenli DU1,2(
Wenli DU
乙烯裂解炉内复杂物理化学过程耦合模拟与优化能够满足乙烯装置对高效率、低污染和低成本的设计和操作要求,对提高乙烯工业的竞争力具有重要意义。针对简单燃烧机理难以准确预测炉膛燃烧生成NOx浓度分布的弊端,提出了在裂解炉使用更准确的简化GRI-Mesh 3.0机理结合涡耗散概念(EDC)模型的方法,并对Sandia Flame D的燃烧过程进行计算流体力学(CFD)模拟,验证了此耦合模型的可靠性。在已建立的燃烧模型的基础上,研究了助燃空气对降低裂解炉NO排放的影响,结果表明:在满足裂解炉热效率的情况下,空气预热温度为300~600 K、过量空气系数为1.1时降低NO的效果最佳。
胡贵华, 叶贞成, 杜文莉. 助燃空气对乙烯裂解炉NOx排放的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(2): 698-707.
Guihua HU, Zhencheng YE, Wenli DU. Effect of combustion-supporting air on NOx emission of ethylene cracking furnace[J]. CIESC Journal, 2020, 71(2): 698-707.
结构 | 直径/长×宽/mm | 温度/K | 速度/(m/s) | 组分/(质量分数) | ||||
CH4 | O2 | N2 | CO2 | H2O | ||||
主火焰 | 7.2 | 294 | 49.6 | 0.156 | 0.197 | 0.647 | 0 | 0 |
值班火焰 | 18.2 | 1880 | 11.4 | 0 | 0.054 | 0.742 | 0.11 | 0.094 |
空气伴流 | 300×300 | 291 | 0.9 | 0 | 0.23 | 0.77 | 0 | 0 |
表1 Flame D入口速度和组分条件
Table 1 Inlet velocity and composition conditions of Sandia Flame D
结构 | 直径/长×宽/mm | 温度/K | 速度/(m/s) | 组分/(质量分数) | ||||
CH4 | O2 | N2 | CO2 | H2O | ||||
主火焰 | 7.2 | 294 | 49.6 | 0.156 | 0.197 | 0.647 | 0 | 0 |
值班火焰 | 18.2 | 1880 | 11.4 | 0 | 0.054 | 0.742 | 0.11 | 0.094 |
空气伴流 | 300×300 | 291 | 0.9 | 0 | 0.23 | 0.77 | 0 | 0 |
Firebox structure | Firing condition | Fuel composition/%(mass) | ||||||||
Length (x-direction)/m | Width (y-direction)/m | Height (z-direction) /m | Number of floor burners | Number of wall burners | Fuel gas ?ow rate in bottom/(kg/s) | Fuel gas ?ow rate in side/(kg/s) | CH4 | H2 | CO | C2H4 |
13.6 | 2.57 | 12.06 | 16 | 32 | 1.2439 | 0.3028 | 98.237 | 1.36 | 0.307 | 0.096 |
表2 裂解炉炉膛结构尺寸和操作条件
Table 2 Structure dimension and operating conditions of cracking furnace
Firebox structure | Firing condition | Fuel composition/%(mass) | ||||||||
Length (x-direction)/m | Width (y-direction)/m | Height (z-direction) /m | Number of floor burners | Number of wall burners | Fuel gas ?ow rate in bottom/(kg/s) | Fuel gas ?ow rate in side/(kg/s) | CH4 | H2 | CO | C2H4 |
13.6 | 2.57 | 12.06 | 16 | 32 | 1.2439 | 0.3028 | 98.237 | 1.36 | 0.307 | 0.096 |
α | 底部烧嘴燃料 流量/(kg/s) | 底部风门入口 流量/(kg/s) | 侧壁烧嘴总 流量/(kg/s) |
1.05 | 0.09375 | 1.70036 | 1.44857 |
1.07 | 0.09375 | 1.73274 | 1.47472 |
1.09 | 0.09375 | 1.76513 | 1.50087 |
1.10 | 0.09375 | 1.78132 | 1.51395 |
1.13 | 0.09375 | 1.82991 | 1.55317 |
1.16 | 0.09375 | 1.87849 | 1.59240 |
1.20 | 0.09375 | 1.94326 | 1.64470 |
表3 不同过量空气系数下的入口条件
Table 3 Inlet conditions under different excess air coefficients
α | 底部烧嘴燃料 流量/(kg/s) | 底部风门入口 流量/(kg/s) | 侧壁烧嘴总 流量/(kg/s) |
1.05 | 0.09375 | 1.70036 | 1.44857 |
1.07 | 0.09375 | 1.73274 | 1.47472 |
1.09 | 0.09375 | 1.76513 | 1.50087 |
1.10 | 0.09375 | 1.78132 | 1.51395 |
1.13 | 0.09375 | 1.82991 | 1.55317 |
1.16 | 0.09375 | 1.87849 | 1.59240 |
1.20 | 0.09375 | 1.94326 | 1.64470 |
α | 反应净生成热/(J/(cm3?s)) | CH4摩尔分数 | 温度/K | NO摩尔生成率/(mol/(cm3?s)) |
1.05 | 36.09 | 1.59×10-5 | 2225.53 | 3.03×10-7 |
1.07 | 36.05 | 1.60×10-5 | 2218.58 | 2.89×10-7 |
1.09 | 35.93 | 1.62×10-5 | 2211.42 | 2.75×10-7 |
1.1 | 35.88 | 1.63×10-5 | 2207.03 | 2.68×10-7 |
1.13 | 35.56 | 1.63×10-5 | 2203.82 | 2.62×10-7 |
1.16 | 35.34 | 1.65×10-5 | 2197.88 | 2.51×10-7 |
1.2 | 35.02 | 1.66×10-5 | 2192.88 | 2.42×10-7 |
表4 不同过量空气系数下的模拟结果
Table 4 Simulation results under different excess air coefficients
α | 反应净生成热/(J/(cm3?s)) | CH4摩尔分数 | 温度/K | NO摩尔生成率/(mol/(cm3?s)) |
1.05 | 36.09 | 1.59×10-5 | 2225.53 | 3.03×10-7 |
1.07 | 36.05 | 1.60×10-5 | 2218.58 | 2.89×10-7 |
1.09 | 35.93 | 1.62×10-5 | 2211.42 | 2.75×10-7 |
1.1 | 35.88 | 1.63×10-5 | 2207.03 | 2.68×10-7 |
1.13 | 35.56 | 1.63×10-5 | 2203.82 | 2.62×10-7 |
1.16 | 35.34 | 1.65×10-5 | 2197.88 | 2.51×10-7 |
1.2 | 35.02 | 1.66×10-5 | 2192.88 | 2.42×10-7 |
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