化工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 74 ›› Issue (9): 3654-3664.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230634
宋明昊1(), 赵霏1, 刘淑晴1, 李国选1, 杨声2, 雷志刚1,3(
宋明昊(1999—),男,硕士研究生, 2021210020@mail.buct.edu.cn
Minghao SONG1(), Fei ZHAO1, Shuqing LIU1, Guoxuan LI1, Sheng YANG2, Zhigang LEI1,3(
Zhigang LEI
宋明昊, 赵霏, 刘淑晴, 李国选, 杨声, 雷志刚. 离子液体脱除模拟油中挥发酚的多尺度模拟与研究[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(9): 3654-3664.
Minghao SONG, Fei ZHAO, Shuqing LIU, Guoxuan LI, Sheng YANG, Zhigang LEI. Multi-scale simulation and study of volatile phenols removal from simulated oil by ionic liquids[J]. CIESC Journal, 2023, 74(9): 3654-3664.
图3 离子液体和苯酚、邻苯甲酚、间苯甲酚和对苯甲酚在不同摩尔分数下的超额焓
Fig.3 The excess enthalpy of the mixtures comprising ionic liquids and phenol, ortho-benzyl phenol, meta-benzyl phenol, and para-benzyl phenol evaluated at various molar fraction
图4 [EMIM]+、[BF4]-、苯酚、三种苯甲酚和环己烷的ESP分析与极值点(单位:kcal/mol, 1 cal=4.1868 J)
Fig.4 The analysis involves the ESP and the corresponding extrema of [EMIM]+, [BF4]-, phenol, the three isomers of benzyl phenol and cyclohexane
图6 [BF4]-和[EMIM]+为参考中心对苯酚、对苯甲酚、环己烷和水的径向分布函数
Fig.6 The radial distribution functions of [BF4]- and [EMIM]+ as reference centers and that respect to phenol, benzyl phenol, cyclohexane and water
图7 以苯酚、对苯甲酚、水为参考分子对[EMIM]+ (红)和[BF4]- (蓝) 的空间分布函数
Fig.7 The spatial distribution functions of [EMIM]+ (red) and [BF4]- (blue) for phenol, benzyl phenol, and water as reference molecules
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