化工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 74 ›› Issue (2): 546-558.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20221091
项星宇(), 王忠东, 董艳鹏, 李守川, 朱春英, 马友光, 付涛涛(
项星宇(1998—),女,硕士研究生,xiang2021_@ tju.edu.cn
Xingyu XIANG(), Zhongdong WANG, Yanpeng DONG, Shouchuan LI, Chunying ZHU, Youguang MA, Taotao FU(
Taotao FU
项星宇, 王忠东, 董艳鹏, 李守川, 朱春英, 马友光, 付涛涛. 微通道内屈服应力型流体的流变特性及多相流研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(2): 546-558.
Xingyu XIANG, Zhongdong WANG, Yanpeng DONG, Shouchuan LI, Chunying ZHU, Youguang MA, Taotao FU. Progress on rheological properties and multiphase flow of yield stress fluids in microchannels[J]. CIESC Journal, 2023, 74(2): 546-558.
图3 乳液 A(油体积分数Φ = 75%)的速度剖面经过了滑移速度校正(虚线是H-B方程预测的速度曲线)[49]
Fig.3 The velocity profile of emulsion A (oil volume fraction Φ = 75%) was corrected for slip velocity (the dashed line is the speed curve predicted by the H-B equation)[49]
图5 (a)T型通道处气泡生成的界面破裂图像;(b) T型通道中气泡破裂的时空图;(c)单个气泡形成时间tb和气泡长度l演变图[80]
Fig.5 (a) Different stages of the break-up mechanism inside the T-junction;(b) Spatiotemporal diagram of the break-up dynamic for a bubble train; (c) Typical evolution of the time to form one bubble tb and bubble length l as functions of the time [80]
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