化工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 71 ›› Issue (10): 4327-4349.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20200693
来天艺 (1996—),女,硕士研究生,基金资助:
Tianyi LAI(),Jikang WANG,Tian LI,Sha BAI,Xiaojie HAO,Yufei ZHAO(
),Xue DUAN
Yufei ZHAO
来天艺,王纪康,李天,白莎,郝晓杰,赵宇飞,段雪. 光电解水产活性氢/氧耦合加氢/氧化过程用水滑石基纳米材料[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(10): 4327-4349.
Tianyi LAI,Jikang WANG,Tian LI,Sha BAI,Xiaojie HAO,Yufei ZHAO,Xue DUAN. Photoelectrochemical water splitting into active hydrogen/oxygen species coupling with hydrogenation/oxidation process using layered double hydroxides-based nanocatalysts[J]. CIESC Journal, 2020, 71(10): 4327-4349.
图1 LDHs材料结构示意图(a)[17]; 常见LDHs材料pH = 7时的价导带位置图(b)[22]
Fig.1 Schematic illustration of LDHs(a)[17]; Conduction band and valence band potentials of some common LDH materials versus NHE at pH 7 (b)[22]
图2 ZnTi-LDH高分散结构示意图(a); Ti基LDH光催化分解水产氢性能对比(b); 甲醇溶剂中·O2-ESR检测图谱(c)[29];Ti3+自掺杂的NiTi-LDH能带结构示意图及可见光照条件下O2生成过程示意图(d); 不同厚度NiTi-LDH荧光光谱(e); 以10-2 mol·L-1 AgNO3 为牺牲剂不同厚度NiTi-LDH的分解水产O2性能示意图(f)[30]
Fig.2 A polyhedral representation of the ZnTi-LDH structure (a); H2 evolution productivity of MTi-LDH (b); ESR spectra recorded for DMPO-·O2- in methanol dispersion (c)[29]; Proposed structural model of energy states for the Ti3+ self-doped NiTi-LDH and schematic illustration of the O2 evolution process over the NiTi-LDH nanosheet under visible-light irradiation (d); Fluorescence spectra (e); O2 evolution from aqueous solution using 10-2 mol·L-1 AgNO3 as the sacrificial acceptor under visible-light using NiTi-LDH with different thickness (f)[30]
图3 Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH制备过程及核壳结构示意图(a); Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH光催化水分解气体产率随时间变化(b); Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH体系中光生电子分离传输方式示意图(c)[33]; Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH产气性能对比(d); Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH CDB-PAS表征中S及W参数意义(e)[34]
Fig.3 Schematic illustration for the preparation of Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH hollow coreshell photocatalyst(a); Rate of gas generation as function of irradiation time (b); Schematic illustration for the photoexcited electron separation/transport in the Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH system (c)[33]; Gas generation rate (d); Schematic definition for S- and W-parameters in CDB-PAS measurements of Cu2O@ZnCr-LDH (e)[34]
图4 NiFe-LDH 纳米棒电极中引入O缺陷过程示意图(a); NaBH4溶液浸泡处理NiFe-LDH LSV曲线(b); NaBH4溶液浸泡处理NiFe-LDH DFT计算结果(c)[39]; Plasma过程对CoFe-LDH进行干法剥离示意图(d); 块体CoFe-LDH及超薄CoFe-LDH LSV性能(e); Plasma过程处理后的CoFe-LDH Co元素XAFS R空间测试结果(f)[9]
Fig.4 Schematic illustration of introducing oxygen vacancy defects to NiFe-LDH nanoarray electrode (a); Linear sweep voltammetry polarization curves of as-prepared NiFe-LDH after NaBH4 treatment (b); Free energy plots calculated results of OER process NiFe-LDHs treated by NaBH4 (c)[39]; CoFe-LDH nanosheets by Ar plasma exfoliation (d); LSV curves of bulk CoFe-LDHs and ultrathin CoFe-LDH nanosheets (e); Magnitude of the k3-weighted Fourier transforms of the Fe edge XANES spectra for bulk CoFe-LDH and ultrathin CoFe-LDH (f)[9]
图5 CoNiP@LDH层状阵列制备过程示意图(a); 水分解体系实物图(b); 不同材料进行电极装配所得LSV表征结论(c)[44];*H在不同催化材料中Gibbs自由能计算结果(d)[48]
Fig.5 Schematic illustration for the synthesis of CoNiP@NiFe-LDH hierarchical arrays (a); Photographs of water-splitting system (b); LSV results of two-electrode cell assembled by various materials (c)[44]; The *H Gibbs free energy of different catalysts (d)[48]
图6 TiO2/ZnFe-LDH-PE 复合催化剂合成过程示意图(a); 复合催化剂光阳极J-V曲线(b); 催化过程中材料水氧化过程示意图(c)[50]; ZnO@CoNi-LDH核壳结构纳米阵列制备示意图(d); 电沉积过程总时间对光电转换效率影响(e); ZnO@CoNi-LDH光催化水氧化催化过程机理示意图(f)[53]
Fig.6 Schematic illustration for the fabrication of TiO2/ZnFe-LDH-PE NAs (a); J-V curves (b); Schematic illustration for the PEC water oxidation process over the TiO2/ZnFe-LDH photoanode (c)[50]; Schematic illustration of the fabrication of ZnO@ CoNi-LDH core-shell NWs array(d); IPCE for ZnO@LDH electrode with various LDH deposition time (e); Schematic illustration of the photoelectrochemical water oxidation process by the as-obtained ZnO@ CoNi-LDH core-shell NWs array (f)[53]
图7 C3N4和MMO@C3N4的能带结构和电荷转移示意图(a); MMO@C3N4、Ni@C3N4、Fe@C3N4和MMO/C3N4-Mix光合成H2O2的浓度-时间曲线(b)[60]; TiO2-ZnTiO3、ZnTi-MMO和P25光合成H2O2的浓度-时间曲线(c); H2O2在TiO2-ZnTiO3、ZnTi-MMO、P25上的分解曲线(d)[61]
Fig.7 Scheme of energy levels and charge transfer pathways of C3N4 and MMO@C3N4(a); The light-driven H2O2 generation in O2-equilibrated conditions over MMO@C3N4, Ni@C3N4, Fe@C3N4, and MMO/C3N4-Mix (b)[60]; The light-driven H2O2 generation (c); H2O2 decomposition over TiO2-ZnTiO3, ZnTi-MMO and P25 (d)[61]
图8 四种不同Cu/Fe比例下生成醇类物及长链醇类物转化率(a); Fe1、Cu4及CuxFey CO-TPD表征结果(b)[69]; Ni-NiO结构的电子自旋共振-结果(c)[70]; DFT计算Fe3O4、4O/Fe和4O/Fe3Zn光催化剂催化过程CO2生成,C2H4吸附及氢化能量势垒(d); ZnCoAl-LDH为前体H2 300~700℃还原制备Co基催化剂过程示意图(e)[71]
Fig.8 Alcohols STY at different pressures over catalysts with four Cu/Fe ratios (1/1, 2/1, 4/1, and 6/1)(a); CO-TPD profiles of Fe1, Cu4, and CuxFey samples (b)[69]; ESR spectrum over Ni-NiO structure (c)[70]; The potential energy profiles for CO2 formation, C2H4 adsorption, and hydrogenation under excited states on Fe3O4, 4O/Fe, and 4O/Fe3Zn (d); Fabrication of Co-x catalysts by H2 reduction of ZnCoAl-LDH nanosheets at 300—700℃ (e)[71]
图9 MgFe-LDH可控制备花样形貌微球结构催化剂过程示意图(a); N2吸脱附测定MgFe-LDH纳米微球结构比表面积与孔径分布(内置图)(b); MgFe-LDH微纳米球结构修饰电极伏安特性曲线(c)[76]; Au负载Al基LDH焙烧制备过程示意图(d)[77]; Au/HT催化剂通过DP法催化醇类化合物脱氢生成羰基化合物效率(e)[78]
Fig.9 Schematic illustration of the morphological evolution process of the as-obtained flower-like hierarchical LDH microspheres(a); N2-sorption isotherms and pore size distribution (inset) of MgFe-LDH microspheres with different inner architecture (b); Cyclic voltammograms at the MgFe-LDH microspheres modified electrodes (c)[76]; Design schematic of the Au-NCs/LDH catalyst (d)[77]; Time course for the dehydrogenation of benzyl alcohol over Au/HT catalyst prepared by the DP method (e)[78]
图11 单层NiAl-LDH在不同波段光照CO2还原产CH4、CO及H2选择性对比(a); 缺陷单层NiAl-LDH层板结构示意图,VM代表材料中金属缺陷 (M=Ni, Al), VOH 代表材料中OH缺陷(b); 光敏化剂Ru(bpy)3Cl2 单线态及三线激发态能级及单层NiAl-LDH中CBM、缺陷态、VBM相对于NHE能级关系(c)[86]; 以CoS纳米片作为光阴极 S空位还原氢化芳香硝基化合物生成功能性芳香氨基化合物过程示意图(d)[87]; 以Pd-P为阴极,以H2O (D2O)作为H源或D源对炔烃进行部分氢化过程示意图(e)[88]
Fig.11 Selectivity of CH4, CO, and H2 in CO2PR on monolayer NiAl-LDH under different wavelength (a); Illustration for the species of defects on monolayer NiAl-LDH. VM represents metal defect (M=Ni, Al), VOH represents the hydroxyl defect (b); The energy levels for the singlet and triplet excited states of photosensitizer Ru(bpy)3Cl2, together with the band edge placements for the CBM, defect state, and valence band minimum (VBM) of monolayer NiAl-LDH (VNi&OH) versus the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) (c)[86]; Illustration of sulfur vacancy-promoted selective synthesis of functionalized aminoarenes via transfer hydrogenation of nitroarenes with H2O as the hydrogen source over a cobalt sulfide nanosheet cathode (d)[87]; Illustration of selective transfer semihydrogenation of alkynes with H2O (D2O) as the H (D) source over a Pd-P cathode (e)[88]
图12 NiAl-LDH经焙烧拓扑转变形成高缺陷浓度NiO结构催化CO2还原示意图(a); NiO, NiAl-x, NiAl-LDH 的EXAFS R空间图(b); NiAl-275在不同波长的单色光下催化CO2还原选择性对比(c)[89]
Fig.12 Schematic illustration of defect-containing NiO derived from the topological transformation of NiAl-LDH(a); The corresponding k3-weighted FT spectra of NiO, NiAl-x, and NiAl-LDH (b); Selectivity of NiAl-275 under different monochromatic light (c)[89]
图13 CoFe-LDH及NiCoFe-LDH材料室温下光致发光光谱图(a); 波长>500 nm条件下CoFe-LDH与NiCoFe-LDH催化CO2还原性能对比(b)[90]; 不同种类Al基LDHs紫外可见光谱(c); 不同种类Al基LDHs可见光催化CO2生成CO, H2及CH4还原性能对比(d)[91]
Fig.13 Room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of CoFe-LDH and NiCoFe-LDH (a); Selectivity of CH4, CO, and H2 under irradiation above 500 nm for CoFe-LDH and NiCoFe-LDH (b)[90]; UV-vis spectra for the various u-MAl-LDH photocatalysts (c); Production rates of CO, H2, and CH4 on various u-MAl-LDH photocatalysts in CO2PR under visible light (d)[91]
图14 不同浓度LDH/MoS2催化剂调控合成气比例示意图(a); 不同LDH/MoS2催化剂浓度催化CO2还原反应产率及选择性(b)[94]; 不同插层阴离子NiAl-LDH对于CO2还原过程产物选择性示意图(c)[95]; CeO2不同比例负载MgAl-LDH催化选择性(d)[96]
Fig.14 Schematic illustration of photocatalytic CO2 reduction to tunable syngas on CoAl-LDH/MoS2 heterostructures with different catalyst concentrations (a); LDH/MoS2 nanocomposite yield and selectivity of CO and H2 in CO2PR with different concentrations (b)[94]; Schematic diagram of the selectivity of photocatalytic CO2 reduction by different anion intercalated NiAl-LDH (c)[95]; Selectivity of LDH and Ce-x (d)[96]
图15 本文中PEC催化速率与前人光催化过程反应速率对比(图中文献号是参考文献[97]中的文献号)(a); DMPO自旋电子捕获剂检测TiO2、TiO2/C和TiO2/C/Co3O4中·O2-结果(b); PEC WS-OR耦合氧化过程示意图(c)[97]; SnO2@BiVO4/Co-Pi光照条件下催化尿素氧化光电流曲线(d)[98]
Fig.15 Comparison of reaction rate between PEC catalysis in this work and photocatalysis reported previously (the Ref. numbers in the figure were Ref. numbers of the Ref.[97])(a); DMPO spin-trapping ESR spectra recorded for DMPO-·O2- over TiO2, TiO2/C, and TiO2/C/Co3O4 sample, respectively (b); Schematic illustration for the PEC WS-OR coupling process (c)[97]; Photocurrent-potential curves under illumination of urea oxidation (d)[98]
图16 存在O缺陷的ZnTi-LDH材料结构示意图(a); ZnTi-LDH能带结构示意图(b); 苯酚产率结果(c); 催化剂及反应气氛调控对苯酚产率影响(d); DMPO自旋捕获以检测·OH(e); DMPO自旋捕获以检测·O2-(f)[99]
Fig.16 Supercell model of ZnTi-LDH layer doped with VO vacancies(a); Schematic band diagrams (b); Reaction time profiles of phenol (c); Conversion of benzene oxidation (d); 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) as spin-trapping agent under UV-vis light irradiation to detect ·OH (e) and·O2- (f), respectively[99]
图17 HMF氧化流程及中间产物(a);糠醛氧化耦合水分解催化过程电解池示意图(b);催化过程中HMF及其氧化产物浓度随时间的变化(c);NiFe-LDH生长于碳纸表面作为催化材料的LSV测试结果(d)[102]
Fig.17 HMF oxidation process and products(a); Schematic diagram of the electrochemical system used for the overall cell reactions (b); Concentration changes of HMF and its oxidation products with the time of chronoamperometric tests (c); LSV curves of the NiFe-LDH nanosheet growth on carbon fiber paper (d)[102]
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