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项 东,彭丽娟,杨思宇,钱 宇   

  1. 华南理工大学化学与化工学院,广东 广州510640
  • 出版日期:2013-05-05 发布日期:2013-05-25

A review of oil-based and coal-based processes for olefins production

XIANG Dong,PENG Lijuan,YANG Siyu,QIAN Yu   

  1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China
  • Online:2013-05-05 Published:2013-05-25

摘要: 烯烃是重要的平台化学品,烯烃工业的发展带动着其它有机化工产品的发展。无论从能源安全还是资源储量角度看,探索煤炭原料路线的烯烃生产是化工产业可持续发展的一个重要方向。近年来煤气化为基础的甲醇制烯烃技术得到了快速的发展。本文综述了石油、煤路线制烯烃的主要工艺技术,并结合能源储量、工艺应用情况、技术经济等方面对两条工艺路线进行了比较。总体而言,煤制烯烃路线具有原料成本优势,在经济上表现出较强的竞争力,但整体工艺和过程集成技术有待提高。

关键词: 煤, 石油, 烯烃, 技术经济

Abstract: Olefins are important platform chemicals,which support the development of other organic chemical products. From the point of views of energy security and resource reserves,development of coal-based olefins production is important for sustainable development of Chinese chemical industry. The methanol to olefins process based on coal gasification is in rapid development. This paper reviews major processes of oil to olefins (OTO) and coal to olefins (CTO),compares the two processes from the aspects of feedstock price,technology,and applications,respectively. The results show that the CTO process is more competitive against the OTO process in raw material price,but it needs further improvement in overall technology and process integration.

Key words: coal, oil, olefins, techno-economy