化工学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 69 ›› Issue (7): 3038-3049.DOI: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20171589
任笑石1,2,3, 贾悦1,3, 吕晓龙1,3, 马诗琪1,2,3, 史腾华1,2,3, 陈华艳1,3
REN Xiaoshi1,2,3, JIA Yue1,3, LÜ Xiaolong1,3, MA Shiqi1,2,3, SHI Tenghua1,2,3, CHEN Huayan1,3
Supported by:
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21306135) and the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China (13JCQNJC08800, 17JCYBJC17400)
利用交联反应在PVDF超滤膜表面创新性的构建含有萃取剂磷酸二异辛酯的聚二甲基硅氧烷-正硅酸乙酯体系萃取凝胶膜(EGM);并对其基本物理化学性质进行了表征。研究了EGM过程中料液相循环方式、料液相及反萃相浓度与流量、水相温度、组件装填密度等工艺条件对镍离子传质性能及EGM运行稳定性的影响规律。9 h实验结果表明在室温水相温度为22℃条件下,当工艺运行条件为料液相流量1900 ml·min-1、反萃相流量93 ml·min-1、组件装填密度14%、料液相循环于壳程时,EGM对镍离子的萃取性能及稳定性达到最佳值。在此基础上,对该系统进行了60 h稳定性实验,并与传统支撑液膜进行了对比。结果显示传统支撑液膜持续运行35 h后通量降为0,衰减率为100%;而EGM持续运行60 h后通量衰减率仅为27.1%;同时EGM初始传质通量相比于传统支撑液膜提高了6.8倍,体现了EGM过程在传质通量大幅提升和长期运行稳定性显著增进方面具有双重优势。
任笑石, 贾悦, 吕晓龙, 马诗琪, 史腾华, 陈华艳. 萃取凝胶膜过程工艺条件对镍离子传质效率及稳定性增进[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(7): 3038-3049.
REN Xiaoshi, JIA Yue, LÜ Xiaolong, MA Shiqi, SHI Tenghua, CHEN Huayan. Enhancing mass transfer efficiency and stability of nickel ion by extraction gel membrane process conditions[J]. CIESC Journal, 2018, 69(7): 3038-3049.
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[12] | LOZANO L J, GODINEZ C, RÍOS A P D L, et al. Recent advances in supported ionic liquid membrane technology[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2011, 376(1):1-14. |
[13] | 沈江南, 阮慧敏, 吴东柱, 等. 离子液体支撑液膜的研究及应用进展[J]. 化工进展, 2009, 28(12):2092-2098. SHEN J N, RUAN H M, WU D Z, et al. Study and application progress of ionic liquid supported liquid membrane[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2009, 28(12):2092-2098. |
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[15] | YANG X J, FANE A G, BI J, et al. Stabilization of supported liquid membranes by plasma polymerization surface coating[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2000, 168(1):29-37. |
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[17] | CHIARIZIA R, HORWITZ E P, RICKERT P G, et al. Application of supported liquid membranes for removal of uranium from groundwater[J]. Separation Science, 1989, 25(13):1571-1586. |
[18] | 王彩玲, 张立志. 支撑液膜稳定性研究进展[J]. 化工进展, 2007, 26(7):949-956. WANG C L, ZHANG L Z. Research progress of the stability of supported liquid membrane[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2007, 26(7):949-956. |
[19] | MOLINARI R, DEBARTOLO L, DRIOLI E. Coupled transport of amino-acids through a supported liquid membrane(1):Experimental optimization[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1992, 73(2):203-215. |
[20] | VASUDEVAN T, DAS S, DEBNATH A K, et al. Facilitated transport of europium(Ⅲ) ions across fixed-site membrane[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 342(1):113-120. |
[21] | SCINDIA Y M, PANDEY A K, REDDY A V R, et al. Coupleddiffusion transport of Cr(Ⅵ) across anion-exchange membranes prepared by physical and chemical immobilization methods[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2005, 249(1):143-152. |
[22] | 高士强, 贾悦, 吕晓龙, 等. 界面聚合中单体结构对复合支撑液膜稳定性的影响[J]. 功能材料, 2016, 47(9):9007-9011. GAO S Q, JIA Y, LÜ X L, et al. The influences of the monomer structure from interfacial polymerization method on the composite SLM stability[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2016, 47(9):9007-9011 |
[23] | 杨运云. 固相微萃取膜的研制及其在分析样品预处理中的应用[D]. 广州:中山大学, 2004. YANG Y Y. Preparation of solid-phase microextraction membrane and its application in sample pre-treatment[D]. Guangzhou:Sun Yat-sen University, 2004. |
[24] | KOCHERGINSKY N M, YANG Q, SEELAM L, et al. Recent advances in supported liquid membrane technology[J]. Separation & Purification Technology, 2007, 53(2):171-177. |
[25] | SOLANGI I B, ÖZCAN F, ARSLAN G, et al. Transportation of Cr(Ⅵ) through calix |
[4] | arene based supported liquid membrane[J]. Separation & Purification Technology, 2013, 118(6):470-478. |
[26] | ATA O N, ÇOLAK S. Modelling of zinc transport through a supported liquid membrane[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2005, 80(3):155-162. |
[27] | ALGUACILl F J, NAVARRO P. Permeation of cadmium through a supported liquid membrane impregnated with CYANEX 923[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2001, 61(2):137-142. |
[28] | GYVES J D, MIGUEL E R D S. Metal ion separations by supported liquid membranes[J]. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 1999, 38(6):2182-2202. |
[29] | LIU D Y, LIU G P, MENG L, et al. Hollow fiber modules with ceramicsupported PDMS composite membranes for pervaporation recovery of biobutanol[J]. Separation & Purification Technology, 2015, 146:24-32. |
[30] | MUNRO T A, SMITH B D. Facilitated transport of amino acids by fixed-site jumping[J]. Chemical Communications, 1997, 22(22):2167-2168. |
[31] | YAHAYA G O, BRISDON B J, ENGLAND R, et al. Analysis of carrier-mediated transport through supported liquid membranes using functionalized polyorganosiloxanes as integrated mobile/fixed-site carrier systems[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2000, 172(1):253-268.sheet supported liquid membrane and dispersive solvent extraction process[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 271:61-70. |
[4] | MANNA M S, SAHA P, GHOSHAL A K. Separation of medicinal catechins from tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) extract using hollow fiber supported liquid membrane (HF-SLM) module[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 471:219-226. |
[5] | BHATLURI K K, MANNA M S, SAHA P, et al. Supported liquid membrane-based simultaneous separation of cadmium and lead from wastewater[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 459:256-263. |
[6] | NEPLENBROEK A M, BARGEMAN D, SMOLDERS C A, et al. Supported liquid membranes:instability effects[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1992, 67(2/3):121-132. |
[7] | PABBY A K, SASTRE A M. State-of-the-art review on hollow fibre contactor technology and membrane-based extraction processes[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 430:263-303. |
[8] | 郑辉东. 支撑液膜传质及其不稳定性研究[D]. 浙江:浙江大学, 2010. ZHENG H D. Study on mass transfer and instability of supported liquid membrane[D]. Zhejiang:Zhejiang University, 2010. |
[9] | XU J, LU S G, FU D. Recovery of hydrochloric acid from the waste acid solution by diffusion dialysis[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 165(1/2/3):832-837. |
[10] | HO S V, SHERIDAN P W, KRUPETSKY E, et al. Supported polymeric liquid membranes for removing organics from aqueous solutions I. Transport characteristics of polyglycol liquid membranes[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1996, 112(1):13-27. |
[11] | DANESI P R, REICHLEY-YINGER L, RICKERT P G. Lifetime of supported liquid membranes:The influence of interfacial properties, chemical composition and water transport on the long term stability of the membranes[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1987, 31(2):117-145. |
[12] | LOZANO L J, GODINEZ C, RÍOS A P D L, et al. Recent advances in supported ionic liquid membrane technology[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2011, 376(1):1-14. |
[13] | 沈江南, 阮慧敏, 吴东柱, 等. 离子液体支撑液膜的研究及应用进展[J]. 化工进展, 2009, 28(12):2092-2098. SHEN J N, RUAN H M, WU D Z, et al. Study and application progress of ionic liquid supported liquid membrane[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2009, 28(12):2092-2098. |
[14] | IZAK P, RUTH W, FEI Z, et al. Selective removal of acetone and butan-1-ol from water with supported ionic liquid-polydimethylsiloxane membrane by pervaporation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2008, 139(2):318-321. |
[15] | YANG X J, FANE A G, BI J, et al. Stabilization of supported liquid membranes by plasma polymerization surface coating[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2000, 168(1):29-37. |
[16] | KEMPERMAN A J B, ROLEVINK H H M, BARGEMAN D, et al. Stabilization of supported liquid membranes by interfacial polymerization top layers[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1998, 138(1):43-55. |
[17] | CHIARIZIA R, HORWITZ E P, RICKERT P G, et al. Application of supported liquid membranes for removal of uranium from groundwater[J]. Separation Science, 1989, 25(13):1571-1586. |
[18] | 王彩玲, 张立志. 支撑液膜稳定性研究进展[J]. 化工进展, 2007, 26(7):949-956. WANG C L, ZHANG L Z. Research progress of the stability of supported liquid membrane[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2007, 26(7):949-956. |
[19] | MOLINARI R, DEBARTOLO L, DRIOLI E. Coupled transport of amino-acids through a supported liquid membrane. 1. Experimental optimization[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1992, 73(2):203-215. |
[20] | VASUDEVAN T, DAS S, DEBNATH A K, et al. Facilitated transport of europium(Ⅲ) ions across fixed-site membrane[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 342(1):113-120. |
[21] | SCINDIA Y M, PANDEY A K, REDDY A V R, et al. Coupled-diffusion transport of Cr(VI) across anion-exchange membranes prepared by physical and chemical immobilization methods[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2005, 249(1):143-152. |
[22] | 高士强, 贾悦, 吕晓龙, 等. 界面聚合中单体结构对复合支撑液膜稳定性的影响[J]. 功能材料, 2016, 47(9):9007-9011. GAO S Q, JIA Y, LU X L, et al. The influences of the monomer structure from interfacial polymerization method on the composite SLM stability[J]. Journal of Functional Materials, 2016, 47(9):9007-9011 |
[23] | 杨运云. 固相微萃取膜的研制及其在分析样品预处理中的应用[D]. 广东:中山大学, 2004. YANG Y Y. Preparation of solid-phase microextraction membrane and its application in sample pre-treatment[D]. Guangdong:Sun Yat-sen University, 2004. |
[24] | KOCHERGINSKY N M, YANG Q, SEELAM L, et al. Recent advances in supported liquid membrane technology[J]. Separation & Purification Technology, 2007, 53(2):171-177. |
[25] | SOLANGI I B, ÖZCAN F, ARSLAN G, et al. Transportation of Cr(VI) through calix |
[4] | arene based supported liquid membrane[J]. Separation & Purification Technology, 2013, 118(6):470-478. |
[26] | ATA O N, ÇOLAK S. Modelling of zinc transport through a supported liquid membrane[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2005, 80(3):155-162. |
[27] | ALGUACILl F J, NAVARRO P. Permeation of cadmium through a supported liquid membrane impregnated with CYANEX 923[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2001, 61(2):137-142. |
[28] | GYVES J D, MIGUEL E R D S. Metal ion separations by supported liquid membranes[J]. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 1999, 38(6):2182-2202. |
[29] | LIU D Y, LIU G P, MENG L, et al. Hollow fiber modules with ceramic-supported PDMS composite membranes for pervaporation recovery of biobutanol[J]. Separation & Purification Technology, 2015, 146:24-32. |
[30] | MUNRO T A, SMITH B D. Facilitated transport of amino acids by fixed-site jumping[J]. Chemical Communications, 1997, 22(22):2167-2168. |
[31] | YAHAYA G O, BRISDON B J, ENGLAND R, et al. Analysis of carrier-mediated transport through supported liquid membranes using functionalized polyorganosiloxanes as integrated mobile/fixed-site carrier systems[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2000, 172(1):253-268. |
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