CIESC Journal ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (11): 5770-5778.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20211028
• Energy and environmental engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wenyan WANG1,3(),Guangyi ZHANG2,3(
),Huibo MENG1,Xinyu ZHU1,3,Jianling ZHANG3,Guangwen XU1
Guangyi ZHANG
CLC Number:
Wenyan WANG, Guangyi ZHANG, Huibo MENG, Xinyu ZHU, Jianling ZHANG, Guangwen XU. Furfural residue pyrolysis characteristics and the effect of its pyrolysis products on in-situ control of NOx emission from its combustion flue gas[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(11): 5770-5778.
王文燕, 张光义, 孟辉波, 朱新宇, 张建岭, 许光文. 糠醛渣热解特性及热解挥发产物对其燃烧烟气原位控氮作用[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(11): 5770-5778.
Proximate analysis/%(mass, dry) | Ultimate analysis/%(mass, dry) | ||||||
Ash | Volatile | Fixed carbon | C | H | O① | N | S |
21.93 | 64.61 | 13.46 | 42.74 | 4.46 | 38.23 | 0.58 | 0.53 |
Table 1 Proximate and ultimate analyses of furfural residues
Proximate analysis/%(mass, dry) | Ultimate analysis/%(mass, dry) | ||||||
Ash | Volatile | Fixed carbon | C | H | O① | N | S |
21.93 | 64.61 | 13.46 | 42.74 | 4.46 | 38.23 | 0.58 | 0.53 |
Fig.6 NOx emission concentration and the N conversion rate during/after combustion (at 900℃) of the volatiles from furfural residue pyrolysis at different temperatures
Fig.8 NOx emission concentration and NOx reduction rate during coupled combustion of volatiles and semi-cokes prepared at different pyrolysis temperatures
Fig.9 Effects of the primary and secondary air ratios on the NOx emission concentration, the N conversion rate and the NOx reduction rate for coupled combustion of volatiles and semi-coke
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