化工学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (10): 3738-3747.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20190573
Quanwei CAI1(),Xiaojie JU1,2,Rui XIE1,2,Wei WANG1,2,Zhuang LIU1,2,Liangyin CHU1,2(
Liangyin CHU
蔡泉威, 巨晓洁, 谢锐, 汪伟, 刘壮, 褚良银. 微流控技术可控制备异形微颗粒功能材料的研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2019, 70(10): 3738-3747.
Quanwei CAI, Xiaojie JU, Rui XIE, Wei WANG, Zhuang LIU, Liangyin CHU. Recent progress in controllable preparation of anisotropic microparticle functional materials based on microfluidics[J]. CIESC Journal, 2019, 70(10): 3738-3747.
图1 制备多面体结构微颗粒的微流控装置(a);多面体结构微颗粒的扫描电镜图(标尺为10 μm) (b) [26]
Fig.1 Schematic illustration of microfluidic device for fabricating microparticles with polyhedral structures (a),
图2 制备豆荚状微纤维的微流控装置(a);豆荚状纤维干燥和可控拉伸制备不同结构的棒条状微颗粒(b); 具有不同结构的棒条状微颗粒的光学图片(上部,标尺为1 mm)和扫描电镜图片(下部,标尺为200 μm) (c) [42]
Fig.2 Schematic illustration of microfluidic device for fabricating pod-like microfibers (a), manipulation of pod-like microfibers for preparing rod-like particles with different structures (b), optical images (upper, scale bar is 1 mm) and SEM images (bottom, scale bar is 200 μm) of rod-like microparticles fabricated from deformed rod-like droplets (c)[42]
图3 制备单分散子弹形微颗粒功能材料的微流控装置和液滴在不同通道中的受力分析,蓝色箭头表示液滴外相流体的正压力,红色箭头表示外相流体作用在液滴上的流体剪切应力(a); 当收集管中外相流体Reynolds数分别为0.003、0.010和0.016时,收集管中变形的子弹形液滴模板和微颗粒的光学图片(b); 随着收集管中外相流体的Reynolds数的增大,子弹形液滴模板和相应的子弹形微颗粒的变形系数变化情况(c) [45]
Fig.3 Schematic illustration of microfluidic device for preparation of monodisperse bullet-shaped microparticles, and analysis of stress on droplets in microchannel in different situations. Blue arrows represent positive pressure from oil fluid and red arrows represent fluid shear stress on droplets (a).
图4 表面活性剂辅助多腔室结构脂质体囊泡微颗粒的组装示意图(a);制备具有两种不同内核的双重复乳的示意图(b)和光学图片(c);双腔室结构囊泡微颗粒的共聚焦图片(d);具有多样化结构的囊泡微颗粒的共聚焦图片(e)[48]
Fig.4 Schematic illustration of surfactant-assisted assembly of multicompartment liposome vesicles microparticles (a). Schematic diagram (b) and snapshots (c) of fabrication of double emulsions with two distinct drops. Confocal images of vesicles microparticles with two different compartments (d). Confocal images of vesicle microparticles with multi structures (e) [48]
图6 制备磁性螺旋形纤维模板的微流控装置和生物硅化过程 (a);磁性海藻酸钙螺旋形微颗粒的光学图片(b);具有封闭(c)和开放(d)中空结构的螺旋形微颗粒及颗粒中铁元素的EDX分析(e);破碎后的中空结构的螺旋形微颗粒的全景图(f)和局部图(g)[73]
Fig.6 Schematic illustration of microfluidic fabrication of magnetic hybrid microfiber and biosilicification process to fabricate helical microparticles with hollow structures (a). Optical morphology of magnetic helical Ca-Alg microparticles (b). SEM image of a magnetic hybrid microparticle with hollow helical shape containing closed compartmental structure (c) and open tubular structure (d). EDX analysis showing surface distribution of Fe element of hybrid shell(e). SEM image of a broken magnetic hybrid microparticles (f) with magnified cross-sectional image showing hollow helical structure (g)[73]
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