化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (10): 5142-5149.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210498
Chengzhi HUANG1(),Haibo TANG1,Tian GU1,Yugang ZHAO1,2(
Yugang ZHAO
黄承志,汤海波,顾恬,赵玉刚. 热敏荧光法用于蒸发液滴近接触线的温度测量[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(10): 5142-5149.
Chengzhi HUANG,Haibo TANG,Tian GU,Yugang ZHAO. Characterizing the temperature profile near contact lines of an evaporating sessile drop[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(10): 5142-5149.
图1 用于观测蒸发液滴气-液界面温度分布的实验装置示意图
Fig.1 Schematics of the experiment setup used to probe the temperature profile at the water-gas interface of an evaporating drop
图2 加热静置液滴的蒸发动力学俯视图:相机在t = t0+ 148 s时刻拍摄到的整个液滴的画面(a);sCMOS相机在不同时刻拍摄到的图(a)虚线区域内的画面[(b)~(f)]
Fig.2 Evaporation dynamics of a heated sessile water drop from the top view: a fringe pattern of the whole drop captured at an instant (t = t0 + 148 s)(a); the captures in the selected region as highlighted in Fig.(a), illustrating the evolution of the fringe pattern[(b)—(f)]
图3 荧光强度与局部温度和荧光溶液浓度的关系 (图中的误差是通过五组独立的测量获得)
Fig.3 Charactering the dependence of fluorescence intensity on temperature and concentration of the fluorescence dye (errors obtained from 5 groups of individual measurement)
图4 蒸发过程中溶液浓度提高引起的荧光强度在液滴半径方向上的变化
Fig.4 The variation of fluorescence intensity along the radial direction caused by the global fluorescence concentration enrichment during evaporation
图6 蒸发动力学、冷却区(虚线圆圈内的黄色区域,Ⅰ型条纹)和冷却点(蓝色区域,Ⅱ型条纹)的形成示意图
Fig.6 Schematic of the evaporation dynamics and the formation of cooling region (yellow within the dashed circle, type I fringe), and cooling spots (blue, type Ⅱ fringe)
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