化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (1): 171-189.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230661
齐元帅1(), 彭文朝1, 李阳1, 张凤宝1, 范晓彬1,2(
Yuanshuai QI1(), Wenchao PENG1, Yang LI1, Fengbao ZHANG1, Xiaobin FAN1,2(
Xiaobin FAN
齐元帅, 彭文朝, 李阳, 张凤宝, 范晓彬. 电化学脱盐机理及相关研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(1): 171-189.
Yuanshuai QI, Wenchao PENG, Yang LI, Fengbao ZHANG, Xiaobin FAN. Research progress on electrochemical desalination mechanisms and related studies[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(1): 171-189.
图1 过去20年Web of Science使用关键词“电容去离子”或“电吸附”的出版物和被引频次记录[16]
Fig.1 Record of publications and citations over the past 20 years using the keywords ‘capacitive deionization’ or ‘electrosorption’ from the Web of Science[16]
图3 (a) 描述带正电荷表面双电层结构的模型[20]; (b) 固-液界面处的双电层模型(以Stern模型为例)[28]
Fig.3 (a) Models for describing the structure of an electrical double layer at a positively charged surface[20]; (b) The model of electric double layer at the solid-liquid interface (taking the Stern model as an example)[28]
图5 (a) 离子电吸附过程的基本电荷补偿机理:未充电状态下的同离子排斥、离子交换和反离子吸附[26];(b) 随着电极电荷增加,电荷补偿发生演变:由未充电状态经两个离子交换过程到反离子吸附[26];(c) 随时间变化的二维多孔电极模型示意图[38]
Fig.5 (a) The fundamental mechanism of charge compensation during the ion electrosorption process: co-ion expulsion, ion exchange, and counterion adsorption in the uncharged state[26]; (b) The evolution of electric charge compensation upon increasing electrode charge, where two subsequent ion swapping events are followed by counterion adsorption[26]; (c) Schematic diagram of a two-dimensional porous electrode model that varies with time[38]
图6 (a) 通过定制表面基团的可逆电化学反应选择性去除离子[73];(b) 阴离子选择性氧化还原电极的电化学特征[73];(c) 引入氧化还原活性DAAQ单元和用于阳离子去除的电化学可逆醌/对苯二酚工艺[76] (1 Å=1×10-10 m)
Fig.6 (a) Selective ion removal through the reversible electrochemical reactions of tailored surface groups[73]; (b) Electrochemical characteristics of the anion-selective redox electrode[73]; (c) Introduction of redox-active DAAQ units and the electrochemically reversible quinone/hydroquinone process for cation removal[76]
图7 离子插入型电极材料(块体层状材料、2D受限流体材料以及剥离2D材料)的优缺点(a)[78]及其电化学特征(b)[78, 83-84]
Fig.7 The advantages and disadvantages of ion-insertion-type electrode materials (a)[78] and their electrochemical characteristics (b)[78, 83-84]
图8 以Ag/AgCl反应为例的离子转化型电极材料(a)及其电化学特征(b)[103]
Fig.8 Ion-conversion-type electrode materials (a) and the electrochemical characteristics (b), as exemplified for the Ag/AgCl reaction[103]
图9 (a) 氧化还原活性电解质的电化学脱盐机理[111];(b) 各种阴极电解质和阳极电解质的氧化还原电对的标准氧化还原电势[112]
Fig.9 (a) Electrochemical desalination mechanisms with redox-active electrolytes[111]; (b) Standard redox potentials of various catholyte and anolyte redox couples[112]
图10 原位XRD技术和原位SAXS技术在电化学脱盐机理研究中的应用[114, 116, 118]
Fig.10 Application of in situ XRD and in situ SAXS in the study of electrochemical desalination mechanisms[114, 116, 118]
图11 原位FTIR技术、原位Raman技术和原位NMR技术在电化学脱盐机理研究中的应用[120, 123, 128-129]
Fig.11 Application of in situ FTIR, in situ Raman and in situ NMR in the study of electrochemical desalination mechanisms[120, 123, 128-129]
图12 原位电化学石英晶体微天平在电化学脱盐机理研究中的应用[131, 134]
Fig.12 Application of in situ electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance in the study of electrochemical desalination mechanisms[131, 134]
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