化工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 71 ›› Issue (2): 688-697.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20190359
Yuheng XIE(),Zhi LI,Minglei YANG,Wenli DU(
Wenli DU
谢雨珩, 李智, 杨明磊, 杜文莉. 基于自适应采样算法的芳烃异构化代理模型[J]. 化工学报, 2020, 71(2): 688-697.
Yuheng XIE, Zhi LI, Minglei YANG, Wenli DU. Surrogate model of aromatic isomerization process based on adaptive sampling algorithm[J]. CIESC Journal, 2020, 71(2): 688-697.
采样方法 | 采样点/个 | RMSE | 时间/s |
自适应采样 | 20+80 | 0.078739 | 8.79 |
拉丁超立方采样 | 100 | 0.628361 | 0.196203 |
表1 PK函数自适应采样与拉丁超立方采样结果对比
Table 1 Comparison of PK function adaptive sampling and Latin hypercube sampling results
采样方法 | 采样点/个 | RMSE | 时间/s |
自适应采样 | 20+80 | 0.078739 | 8.79 |
拉丁超立方采样 | 100 | 0.628361 | 0.196203 |
测试函数 | 维数 | 初始采样点 | 新增采样点 |
PK | 2 | 20 | 80 |
AlpineN.1 | 2 | 20 | 80 |
AlpineN.2 | 2 | 20 | 80 |
Hartman3 | 3 | 30 | 120 |
Shekel5 | 4 | 40 | 160 |
Shekel7 | 4 | 40 | 160 |
Hartman6 | 6 | 60 | 240 |
Ackley | 8 | 80 | 320 |
表2 采样方式
Table 2 Sampling configurations
测试函数 | 维数 | 初始采样点 | 新增采样点 |
PK | 2 | 20 | 80 |
AlpineN.1 | 2 | 20 | 80 |
AlpineN.2 | 2 | 20 | 80 |
Hartman3 | 3 | 30 | 120 |
Shekel5 | 4 | 40 | 160 |
Shekel7 | 4 | 40 | 160 |
Hartman6 | 6 | 60 | 240 |
Ackley | 8 | 80 | 320 |
PK | 0.07506 | 0.11860 | 0.09055 | 0.06428 |
AlpineN.1 | 1.96015 | 1.75482 | 1.21713 | 1.21350 |
AlpineN.2 | 0.02524 | 0.09999 | 0.01950 | 0.04680 |
Hartman3 | 0.01351 | 0.05956 | 0.01607 | 0.01510 |
Shekel5 | 0.18186 | 0.13901 | 0.08644 | 0.07058 |
Shekel7 | 0.25594 | 0.20254 | 0.09568 | 0.07924 |
Hartman6 | 0.12602 | 0.21485 | 0.11549 | 0.10785 |
Ackley | 0.39066 | 0.41528 | 0.40963 | 0.38582 |
表3 各测试函数的平均RMSE
Table 3 Average RMSE obtained by four sampling approaches for test cases
PK | 0.07506 | 0.11860 | 0.09055 | 0.06428 |
AlpineN.1 | 1.96015 | 1.75482 | 1.21713 | 1.21350 |
AlpineN.2 | 0.02524 | 0.09999 | 0.01950 | 0.04680 |
Hartman3 | 0.01351 | 0.05956 | 0.01607 | 0.01510 |
Shekel5 | 0.18186 | 0.13901 | 0.08644 | 0.07058 |
Shekel7 | 0.25594 | 0.20254 | 0.09568 | 0.07924 |
Hartman6 | 0.12602 | 0.21485 | 0.11549 | 0.10785 |
Ackley | 0.39066 | 0.41528 | 0.40963 | 0.38582 |
PK | 15.87 | 125.68 | 32.40 | 8.87 |
AlpineN.1 | 16.41 | 124.21 | 32.71 | 8.54 |
AlpineN.2 | 15.90 | 119.78 | 28.62 | 8.57 |
Hartman3 | 55.14 | 219.46 | 162.34 | 23.12 |
Shekel5 | 148.17 | 369.43 | 669.46 | 52.17 |
Shekel7 | 150.60 | 372.50 | 652.90 | 53.17 |
Hartman6 | 650.93 | 1127.57 | 6142.58 | 189.25 |
Ackley | 2078.48 | 3028.23 | 28864.74 | 490.20 |
表4 各测试函数的平均计算时间/s
Table 4 Average running time obtained by four sampling approaches for test cases/s
PK | 15.87 | 125.68 | 32.40 | 8.87 |
AlpineN.1 | 16.41 | 124.21 | 32.71 | 8.54 |
AlpineN.2 | 15.90 | 119.78 | 28.62 | 8.57 |
Hartman3 | 55.14 | 219.46 | 162.34 | 23.12 |
Shekel5 | 148.17 | 369.43 | 669.46 | 52.17 |
Shekel7 | 150.60 | 372.50 | 652.90 | 53.17 |
Hartman6 | 650.93 | 1127.57 | 6142.58 | 189.25 |
Ackley | 2078.48 | 3028.23 | 28864.74 | 490.20 |
轻烃收率 | 0.001261 | 0.001115 | 0.001147 | 0.001053 |
C8+收率 | 0.001216 | 0.001123 | 0.001061 | 0.000986 |
表5 芳烃异构化重要指标的RMSE
Table 5 RMSE of important indicators for isomerization of aromatics
轻烃收率 | 0.001261 | 0.001115 | 0.001147 | 0.001053 |
C8+收率 | 0.001216 | 0.001123 | 0.001061 | 0.000986 |
轻烃收率 | 3313.04 | 4600.36 | 20404.30 | 2189.42 |
C8+收率 | 3313.02 | 4574.49 | 20429.36 | 2122.41 |
表6 芳烃异构化重要指标的建模时间/s
Table 6 Modeling time for important indicators of aromatic isomerization/s
轻烃收率 | 3313.04 | 4600.36 | 20404.30 | 2189.42 |
C8+收率 | 3313.02 | 4574.49 | 20429.36 | 2122.41 |
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