化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (9): 3011-3027.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240070
杨子驰1(), 谢冰琪2(
), 石瑞莘1, 雷虹1, 陈晨1, 周才金1,2(
), 张吉松2(
Zichi YANG1(), Bingqi XIE2(
), Ruixin SHI1, Hong LEI1, Chen CHEN1, Caijin ZHOU1,2(
), Jisong ZHANG2(
Caijin ZHOU, Jisong ZHANG
杨子驰, 谢冰琪, 石瑞莘, 雷虹, 陈晨, 周才金, 张吉松. 套管膜式微反应器内高效安全的气液传质-反应过程研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(9): 3011-3027.
Zichi YANG, Bingqi XIE, Ruixin SHI, Hong LEI, Chen CHEN, Caijin ZHOU, Jisong ZHANG. Research progress on efficient and safe gas-liquid mass transfer and reaction processes in tube-in-tube reactor[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(9): 3011-3027.
图1 常见的用于强化气液传质的反应器:(a)微通道反应器[15];(b)降膜反应器[16];(c)微填充床反应器[17]
Fig.1 The common microreactors used to enhance gas-liquid mass transfer: (a) microchannel reactor[15]; (b) falling film reactor[16]; (c) micropacked bed reactor[17]
图2 常见的套管膜式微反应器装置:(a)聚四氟乙烯外管;(b)不锈钢外管[32, 36]
Fig.2 The two typical configures of the tube-in-tube reactor: (a) polytetrafluoroethylene material outer tube; (b) stainless steel outer tube[32, 36]
图3 套管膜式微反应器内常见的气液两相流动形式:(a)气体在外管流动和液体在内管流动;(b)气体在内管流动和液体在外管流动[40]
Fig.3 The common gas-liquid two-phase flow pattern in tube-in-tube microreactors: (a) gas flows in the outer tube and liquid flows in the inner tube; (b) gas flows in the inner tube and liquid flows in the outer tube[40]
反应器类型 | a/(m2/m3) | kLa×102/s-1 |
套管膜式反应器[ | 3000~10000 | 10~100 |
鼓泡塔反应器[ | 50~600 | 0.5~24 |
填充柱反应器[ | 10~1700 | 0.04~102 |
管式反应器[ | 10~1000 | 0.5~100 |
Taylor-Couette反应器[ | 50~2000 | 3~21 |
冲击射流吸收器[ | 200~1200 | 2.5~122 |
喷雾柱设备[ | 75~170 | 1.5~2.2 |
搅拌釜式反应器[ | 10~2000 | 0.5~20 |
静态混合器[ | 100~1000 | 10~250 |
降膜微反应器[ | 3400~9000 | 30~2100 |
微填充床反应器 | 1945~5464 | 1.2~50 |
Y型微通道反应器[ | 9000 | 0.3~21 |
表1 不同反应器比表面积和气液传质系数的比较
Table 1 Comparison of specific surface area and gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient of different reactors
反应器类型 | a/(m2/m3) | kLa×102/s-1 |
套管膜式反应器[ | 3000~10000 | 10~100 |
鼓泡塔反应器[ | 50~600 | 0.5~24 |
填充柱反应器[ | 10~1700 | 0.04~102 |
管式反应器[ | 10~1000 | 0.5~100 |
Taylor-Couette反应器[ | 50~2000 | 3~21 |
冲击射流吸收器[ | 200~1200 | 2.5~122 |
喷雾柱设备[ | 75~170 | 1.5~2.2 |
搅拌釜式反应器[ | 10~2000 | 0.5~20 |
静态混合器[ | 100~1000 | 10~250 |
降膜微反应器[ | 3400~9000 | 30~2100 |
微填充床反应器 | 1945~5464 | 1.2~50 |
Y型微通道反应器[ | 9000 | 0.3~21 |
图6 周期性心形结构反应器的放大图:(a)反应器内混合单元的前视图;(b)心形结构反应器图;(c)单个流动反应器的横截面图[56]
Fig.6 The amplification process diagram of periodic heart-shaped structure reactor: (a) front view of the mixing unit inside the reactor; (b) diagram of heart-shaped reactor; (c) cross section view of a single flow reactor[56]
图7 基于套管膜式微反应器在线测量气体溶解度平台:(a)利用傅里叶变换红外技术在线监测溶剂中溶解的CO气体浓度变化的装置[63];(b)气泡计数法在线测定溶剂中H2气体浓度[64](1 bar=0.1 MPa)
Fig.7 An online gas solubility measurement platform based on a tube-in-tube microreactor: (a) a device for monitoring the concentration change of dissolved CO gas using Fourier transform infrared technology[63]; (b) online determination of H2 gas concentration in solvents using bubble counting method[64]
图8 套管膜式膜反应器内在线滴定法测量气体溶解度装置:(a)在线比色滴定技术测定溶剂中NH3气体浓度装置[66];(b)不同pH下反应器出口的溶液颜色变化[66];(c)比色滴定技术检测有机溶剂中CO2气体浓度[68];(d)溶液中CO2气体的滴定曲线[68]
Fig.8 The device for measuring gas solubility using online titration method in a tube-in-tube microreactor: (a) device for measuring NH3 gas concentration in solvents using online colorimetric titration technology[66]; (b) color change of the solution with different pH at the reactor outlet[66]; (c) colorimetric titration technology for detecting the concentration of CO2 gas in organic solvents[68]; (d) titration curve of CO2 gas in solution[68]
图9 套管膜式反应器内测量气体溶解度[62]:(a)实验装置;(b)液体流量和气体流量随时间的变化关系(STP表示标准状况)
Fig.9 Measurement of gas solubility in a tube-in-tube reactor[62]: (a) experimental setup; (b) the variation of liquid flow rate and gas flow rate over time (STP stands for standard temperature and pressure)
气体 | 液体 | 温度/℃ | KH测量值/(mol/(m2·bar)) | KH文献值/(mol/(m2·bar)) | 相对误差/% |
H2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 3.83±0.02[ | 3.88[ | 1.3 |
H2 | 甲醇 | 40 | 4.24±0.02[ | 4.26[ | 0.5 |
H2 | 甲醇 | 60 | 4.70±0.02[ | 4.62[ | 1.7 |
H2 | 庚烷 | 23 | 4.51±0.02[ | 4.60[ | 2.0 |
H2 | 甲基苯乙烯 | 23 | 2.51±0.01[ | 2.56[ | 1.9 |
N2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 6.46±0.03[ | 6.60[ | 2.0 |
O2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 9.87±0.05[ | 9.72[ | 1.6 |
CO2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 99.8±0.5[ | 98.7[ | 1.1 |
表2 套管膜式反应器内气体溶解度测量值与文献值的比较
Table 2 Comparison of gas solubility measurement values in tube-in-tube reactor with literature values
气体 | 液体 | 温度/℃ | KH测量值/(mol/(m2·bar)) | KH文献值/(mol/(m2·bar)) | 相对误差/% |
H2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 3.83±0.02[ | 3.88[ | 1.3 |
H2 | 甲醇 | 40 | 4.24±0.02[ | 4.26[ | 0.5 |
H2 | 甲醇 | 60 | 4.70±0.02[ | 4.62[ | 1.7 |
H2 | 庚烷 | 23 | 4.51±0.02[ | 4.60[ | 2.0 |
H2 | 甲基苯乙烯 | 23 | 2.51±0.01[ | 2.56[ | 1.9 |
N2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 6.46±0.03[ | 6.60[ | 2.0 |
O2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 9.87±0.05[ | 9.72[ | 1.6 |
CO2 | 甲醇 | 23 | 99.8±0.5[ | 98.7[ | 1.1 |
图10 套管膜式反应器用于测量气体在液体中的扩散系数:(a)反应器内气体扩散过程示意图;(b)Ramping过程中液体流速随气体流速的变化;(c)溶解气体浓度随停留时间的变化[76]
Fig.10 Measuring the diffusion coefficient of gas in liquid with tube-in-tube reactor: (a) schematic diagram of gas diffusion process in the reactor; (b) the variation of liquid flow rate with gas flow rate in the Ramping process; (c) the variation of dissolved gas concentration with residence time[76]
Ramping时间/min | Ramping速度/ (ml/min) | 气体扩散稀释/ (10-9 m2/s) | 误差/% |
90 | 0.014 | 1.97 | 0 |
60 | 0.022 | 2.00 | 1.5 |
40 | 0.033 | 1.91 | 3.0 |
30 | 0.043 | 2.18 | 10.7 |
20 | 0.065 | 2.69 | 36.5 |
10 | 0.130 | 6. 00 | 204.6 |
表3 不同Ramping时间下CO2气体在水中扩散系数D的测量值[76]
Table 3 Measurement values of CO2 gas diffusion coefficient in water under different Ramping time[76]
Ramping时间/min | Ramping速度/ (ml/min) | 气体扩散稀释/ (10-9 m2/s) | 误差/% |
90 | 0.014 | 1.97 | 0 |
60 | 0.022 | 2.00 | 1.5 |
40 | 0.033 | 1.91 | 3.0 |
30 | 0.043 | 2.18 | 10.7 |
20 | 0.065 | 2.69 | 36.5 |
10 | 0.130 | 6. 00 | 204.6 |
图11 套管膜式膜反应器内反应动力学测量概述:(a)气液反应动力学常数测定平台装置;(b)液膜内气体浓度的分布
Fig.11 Overview of reaction kinetics measurement in a tube-in-tube microreactor: (a) platform for measuring the kinetic constants of gas-liquid reactions; (b) the distribution of gas concentration in the liquid film
图12 套管膜式膜反应器内测定酶催化反应动力学的实验装置平台[84]
Fig.12 Experimental setup platform for measuring enzyme catalytic reaction kinetics in a tube-in-tube microreactor[84]
图13 基于微反应器的无细胞蛋白合成装置:(a)基于微芯片反应器开发的无细胞蛋白合成平台装置[93];(b)高透气性纳米膜微通道反应器用于蛋白质合成[87];(c)基于套管膜式微反应器的无细胞蛋白合成平台[95]
Fig.13 A cell free protein synthesis device based on a microreactor: (a) device of a developed cell-free protein synthesis platform based on a microchip reactor[93]; (b) a microchannel reactor with highly breathable nanofilms for protein synthesis[87]; (c) cell-free protein synthesis platform based on tube-in-tube microreactor[95]
图14 套管膜式微反应器用于生物氧化过程:(a)酶催化氧化合成邻苯二酚的反应机理;(b)套管膜式微反应器内水、有机两相液体分段流动示意图;(c)连续分段流套管膜式反应器装置[96]
Fig.14 Tube-in-tube microreactor for biological oxidation process: (a) the reaction mechanism of enzymatic oxidation to synthesize catechol; (b) diagram of segmented flow of water and organic two-phase liquids in a tube in tube membrane reactor; (c) device of continuous segmented flow tube-in-tube reactor[96]
图15 基于套管膜式反应器的高效安全的气液反应平台:(a)套管膜式反应器用于加氢反应[66];(b)套管膜式反应器内利用CO2气体进行羧基化反应装置[101];(c)套管膜式微反应器用于甲酸/硫酸羰基化反应[102];(d)用于三氟甲基化的流动化学平台装置示意图[103](1 psi=6894.757 Pa)
Fig.15 Efficient and safe gas-liquid reaction platform based on tube-in-tube reactor: (a) a tube-in-tube microreactor for hydrogenation reaction[66]; (b) a tube-in-tube reactor was used for carboxylation reaction with CO2 gas[101]; (c) a tube-in-tube microreactor for formic acid/sulfuric acid carbonylation reaction[102]; (d) schematic diagram of a flow chemistry platform for trifluoromethylation[103](1 psi=6894.757 Pa)
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