化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (5): 2896-2904.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20201574
• 过程安全 • 上一篇
吴月琼(1994—),女,硕士研究生, 基金资助:
WU Yueqiong(),ZHOU Kuibin(
),HUANG Mengyuan,ZHOU Mengya
ZHOU Kuibin
吴月琼, 周魁斌, 黄梦源, 周梦雅. 储罐壁面限制条件下喷射火火焰行为[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(5): 2896-2904.
WU Yueqiong, ZHOU Kuibin, HUANG Mengyuan, ZHOU Mengya. Flame behavior of jet fire confined by the tank wall[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(5): 2896-2904.
倾斜角度θ /(°) | 流速Ue/(m/s) | Fr= |
0 | 8.96~75.45 | 2.7×103~1.9×105 |
30 | 8.49~75.45 | 2.5×103~1.9×105 |
45 | 8.72~75.45 | 2.6×103~1.9×105 |
60 | 8.25~75.45 | 2.3×103~1.9×105 |
表1 实验工况
Table 1 Experimental conditions
倾斜角度θ /(°) | 流速Ue/(m/s) | Fr= |
0 | 8.96~75.45 | 2.7×103~1.9×105 |
30 | 8.49~75.45 | 2.5×103~1.9×105 |
45 | 8.72~75.45 | 2.6×103~1.9×105 |
60 | 8.25~75.45 | 2.3×103~1.9×105 |
图3 实验的可重复性判定(θ=0°,Ue=56.69 m/s)
Fig.3 Test repeatability justified by the comparison of two repeatable tests under the jet angle of 0° and the exit velocity of 56.69 m/s
图15 丙烷喷射火焰的吹熄和淬灭的临界判据(垂直虚线表示临界压力比条件)
Fig.15 Blowout and quench boundary of propane jet flame(vertical dashed line indicates the critical pressure ratio condition)
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