化工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 74 ›› Issue (7): 2836-2847.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230398
Ming DONG1(), Jinliang XU1,2(
), Guanglin LIU1
Jinliang XU
董明, 徐进良, 刘广林. 超临界水非均质特性分子动力学研究[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(7): 2836-2847.
Ming DONG, Jinliang XU, Guanglin LIU. Molecular dynamics study on heterogeneous characteristics of supercritical water[J]. CIESC Journal, 2023, 74(7): 2836-2847.
图1 (a) 物理模型图;(b) 氢键判定示意图;(c) 模拟工况图;(d) 热力学方法确定TPL区的起始温度Ts和终止温度Te(计算方法参考文献[18])
Fig.1 (a) Physical model of system; (b) Hydrogen bonding determination criteria; (c) Simulation points on phase diagram; (d) Ts and Te determined by thermodynamic method
图2 (a) TIP4P/2005模型的模拟密度与实验密度比较;(b) NVT系综下的模拟压力与设定压力比较
Fig.2 (a) Density from TIP4P/2005 model and experimental; (b) Simulated pressure from NVT ensemble and set pressure
图5 (a) Pr=1.2时水分子中氧原子径向分布函数g(rc)曲线;(b) 根据f1及g(rc)确定Widom线及GL线
Fig.5 (a) The curve of g(rc)-rc under Pr=1.2; (b) Widom line and GL line determined by f1 and g(rc)
图6 (a) 根据TWF近邻法(ngas-N)划分LL、TPL和GL相区域;(b) 根据Voronoi多边形法(ngas-ρc)划分LL、TPL和GL相区域;(c) LL和GL分子的空间相分布
Fig.6 (a) LL, TPL, and GL regions determined by TWF neighborhood method (ngas-N); (b) LL, TPL, and GL regions determined by Voronoi diagram method(ngas-ρc); (c) Spatial phase distribution of LL and GL molecules
图8 (a) Pr=1.2时旋转与扩散系数比αrot/trans随温度变化;(b) 根据αrot/trans划分LL、TPL和GL相区
Fig.8 (a) The curve of αrot/trans-Tr under Pr=1.2; (b) LL, TPL, and GL regions determined by αrot/trans
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